January 2021
As we step into 2021 and 2020 comes to an end, little did we know when it started what a year it would turn out be and what was about to
Ren myself and all the team at Colabella hair & beauty want to say thank you.
You have been so understanding and supported us through the open and closures that COVID 19 caused, we have had many messages of support and the interaction of our social media, the kind words and the love we have felt from many people, we really thank you for all of it.
We plan to “keep on keeping on” which is our family and business motto and we look forward to another chapter in our journey.
During 2020 all of our worlds changed and changed fast! We didn't have much time to even process the changes, we were all thrown from the normal into what we have quickly learned to be the new normal. I think we all deserve a pat on the back for following the rules and doing our bit to stay safe and reach out to help people that needed it. Many acts of kindness and community spirit were shown which gave help and support to people that were in need, not just in need of stuff but also in need of love and care. The NHS has been shown a new level of appreciation and value, as have the workers on all front line key worker roles. Its been nice to see the love being shown but very sad for all the lives lost...
Many of us learned that we need less and to appreciate more.
Over the last 12 months the salon went through changes as we do every year.
We are proud that its 36 years since the first Colabella salon opened and every year we hope to grow and shine more.
The last year has been challenging but as a business we have still continued to move forward, staying focused and pushing on and we are very proud of that. There have been some very positive changes and new services rolled out which in such difficult times is amazing.
We have employed new members to join our fab team, which have brought a new dynamic to the personalities in the team. We had two previous staff return to us after having had career breaks, we offered places to new apprentices and our current ones qualified up to styling. Our team even managed to get some new skills under our belts as we did continued learning from home during lockdown.
We launched the Laser hair loss therapy clinic and trichology training for our team.
We relocated the beauty nails/sun bed shop in Wood street in to a beautiful new salon with internal connecting door to the hair salon, that really was a great move for us and made it a lot easier for clients to get beauty services done while they were having their hair done.
We also added a range of new holistic therapies to our beauty department...
All that during a pandemic and the heart of the business continued to beat, even when we are in lockdown again now we are still busy planning and focusing on the future.
As the new year starts it is the perfect time to look back on the previous year and discern what it has taught you. I can only speak for my self but I have learned a lot this year and I hope to build positively on what I have learned...
Regarding salon re opening, currently we do not know when we can re open but we will be sure to keep you all updated of our re open plans.
All thats left to say is thank you again from Ren & Myself and we pray for a blessed healthy and peaceful year ahead for us all...
Happy new year..
Love and light
Anna x
December 2020
As we come out from Lockdown no 2 its not long now before we open our doors to welcome you all back to our Colabella salons.
With christmas just around the corner, there really is not long now to get ourselves and our homes christmas ready…so with no further ado lets talk salon…
If you are not on our call back waiting list then call us as soon as you can if you need an appointment. Our numbers are all over our social media and we are taking calls, so do call if you need an appointment, we are ready to help you and get you booked in. We all need a cheer up and to get into the festive feel and lets be honest an appointment at your fav’ salon should always be a feel good factor and lets face it we could all benefit from that feel good boost.
With winter ahead of us and these long dark nights the one thing this bizarre year has reminded me is that we need to look after ourselves.
Many of us run around and care for loved ones and often forget ourselves, guilty me !
After last lock down I suggested to my self and probably in previous blogs that I had made a pact with myself to stop rushing around at 100 miles an hour, did i stick to that? the short answer is NO !
So with that said how can we now look after our selves ? I think the best thing to do is to just keep on trying to make little adjustments every time we see the pattern starting again.
The one thing I love about my job is it gives our clients that opportunity for self time, a bit of self indulgence and above all time to relax. We must never underestimate how powerful the feel good factor is, its a real pick me up.
Our salons will be operating with all our services available when we re open on the 2nd December including hair beauty, nails and our hair loss clinic.
So as we welcome December if you are looking for some fun and easy hair ideas, here's a little mix up of easy ways to style your hair this season…These ideas can be do done on all hair lengths, you can also try them on short hair by buying clip in hair piece accessories, there are so many around and not expensive.
Glitzy clips slides and other hair accessories
Its so easy to brighten and add a bit of glamour by just clipping in a nice hair slide or some pretty hairpins. If you pull your hair back on one side of your hair with multiple pins placed one above the other its a really nice look. There are so many styles and sizes of hair brooches and other accessories, you can even criss cross pins over each other, transforming an otherwise simple style into a sophisticated look. This is not just for long hair even on short hair this will add instant chic…Low pony
For another quick hairstyle, go for a low ponytail. Smooth your hair with a light gel or styling serum and pull your hair back and add a nice glitzy slide or velvet bow for a chic and glamorous look. Loosen the ponytail and add curls with a curling iron for a more textured messy look.
Elegant topknot
For a timeless style an elegant topknot is sleek and simple. For a bolder look, sleek down hair and tame fly-aways with gel or serum. To soften the look, allow baby hairs to fall around your face.
Messy braid
By keeping hair smooth and gently tied up, it is a good way to protect your hair during the winter, braided styles are great for this and there are lots of tutorials on you tube. I love the halo braid for a romantic style reminiscent of a past time. Pull at the hair to widen the braid for a messy, bohemian look for the perfect messy look.
Again if you have short hair you can buy clip in hair braids or bands that look like you have braided your hair.
For the guys
This season when it comes to hair its the french crop and the curly french crop that is right on trend. this skin fade style blends up to heavy length with a more solid fringe. Although facial hair has had a more groomed look its still very popular although much tidier and edged neatly compared to the previous beard trends…
We love to keep you up to date with all thats trending and our salon news so do follow our social media to sand keep checking back to it to stay up to date with us…
Ren, myself and our fabulous team wish you all a blessed healthy and safe Christmas and New year, thank you all and we appreciate all your support this year…Anna x
Hair is made of proteins called keratin and it is one of the strongest fibres there is and is able to stretch to 1.5 times its own length.
end of November you get a free salon service gift added to the voucher at no extra cost to you, so not only will your loved one get the voucher but also an extra treat free of charge. Ask when you buy for more details of the complimentary services.
October 2020
This months blog has been a collaboration of our youngest team member Olivia and myself so we hope you find it an informative blog...
Im so pleased to tell you all that our fabulous hard working team have taken to all the hygiene changes like ducks to water, thank you for the compliments in our reviews, the phone calls and the e mails received praising the salon the team Ren & myself. It really means a lot when you guys notice all the hard work the team are putting in.
So lets get down to the nitty gritty of this months chit chat...
With autumn officially here and a new season in flow, we find that the trends in salon tend to reflect the time of year as does the weather. With the colder more damp days it is all about that natural, low maintenance look, with colours and styles that give that warm but easy to wear look.
This autumn trends are taking a flash back to the past, with 70s style cuts such as the shag haircut which is such a versatile cut, this hairstyle works on both short and long hair, which is one reason this multilayered cut is so trendy!
Not only that, but it looks so good and is effortlessly glamorous, while being easy to maintain. This style has plenty of choppy layers to give tonnes of volume and give it a 70s feel but also with an 80’s touch too with lots of undercuts and short and long hair brining that edgy feel to a style.
My personal favourite in hair tones is bursting back this season with more mocha and warm brown tones.
There are still many full head bleach colours being requested but that is only for the die hard blondes amongst us, as the up keep on this look is a 4 to 5 week ritual of bleach and if its the pastels you love the toners too and some times this need refreshing every 3 weeks. Blonde will never go out of trend but right now lets talk warm and back to the more autumnal shades. The thicker low lights are very much back and on trend, so we are seeing clients asking for a thin veil of natural colour on the parting but with chunky low lights under it, so if they feel bold they can flick the parting to the more vibrant hair side and again if they feel they want to dress it down they can wear the parting where the natural veil was left out. Ask in salon if you fancy something like this. Its nice as it can give you a few extra weeks between colours which some clients prefer and instead of colour on colour appointments you can switch one for just a treatment and a blow-dry that not only gives you a treat but helps your colour last longer and leaves it feeling and smelling lush and feeling silky for ages.
We love to talk unisex so not forgetting the boys of course, we’re still seeing a lot of top perms this season, along with a crisp skin fade to top it off, a skin fade is definitely one of today’s most popular gents hair styles, having it longer on the top and faded on the sides is a style that has and will be trendy for a long time!
Facials for guys is a real popular thing now and its great how its just normal for these services to be unisex, gone are the days where guys would steer clear of the beauty salon its all very gender neutral now in salon and we are all about that at colabella...
With the change of season beauty trends also change, we’re leaving the brighter corals, yellows, blues and pinks in summer and leaping into the darker and more neutral tones. At this time of year the deeper reds are definitely a go to, as they just scream autumn also for this time of year, the more neutral tones with a sparkly glitter is a subtle way to still feel autumnal without having to have any bold colour. We have some lovely new CND shellac shades in salon at the moment so wonder over to our beauty rooms when you are in salon to have a little look...
And just when you thought id managed a blog without the dreaded word here it comes
and although things are very far from being back to normal after Covid and we don't get out as much, there’s nothing like a fresh set of nails to give you that feel good factor!
We have been pleasantly surprised how many of us are just doing things for ourself to feel good even if we are not going out and we love that..Whether it’s a fresh set of acrylics, or having matching shellac on your hands and toes, we will always have something to make you feel amazing. Its been tough but we are pushing on and we have kept some lovely offers going to help keep the pennies under control as we are all feeling these tough times. So do check our google pages for latest offers and all our social media.
Kirsty our team leader and senior stylist who creates all our media works hard keeping all our media updated so that you can all see what we are up to in salon and the fabulous work that is being done by our team, so do keep checking back on our social media as it changes daily. Kirsty & Steph are also always on the other end of our Face book platform and you can keep up to date or message them for information on there. They will be happy to help.
Make the most of our on going offers, we do a refer a friend where you both get 20% off if you send us a new client so for example on a £40 bill thats a great saving of £8 meaning you only pay £32. If you are not sure what our on going promo’s are just call or ask in salon and we will give you a run down of the best ways to get the best deals. Our deals are not just for new clients we value and appreciate our loyal clients too and want you to get rewarded for your loyalty...
Last but not least...I mentioned a little but about our new service previously and now I'm pleased to tell you we are ready to roll it out and its all about...
Hair loss
We are super excited to be partnering with Mark Birch one of the worlds leading hair trichologists.
We are in the process of launching a hair loss clinic at our Bislton branch where Ren and our team will be rolling out a program to help reduce and improve hair loss in men and women. The products range will be supported by Mark Birch. Ren, myself and our team will have finished our training sessions from October 6th. it has been a passion of Rens for some years and he has travelled wide & far even going to Belgium in the research of hair loss and hair transplants. He really does have this area covered so if you are interested do book a consultation with him. There is a £20 refundable deposit which can be used to buy products or is fully refundable if you just have the free consultation, sadly people book and then don't turn up and although its a free service the £20 deposit just to stop no shows and loose Ren valuable time. It is mainly of interest to men but certainly not only for men.
As mentioned we offer a free consultation for all our services so if its just a chat or a change of colour or style or if you are a new client and you just want to get a feel for the salon and us before you book in. What ever your hair and beauty questions are we would love to talk to you about them
so until next month for now its bye bye from both of us.
Have a great month
Anna & Olivia
September 2020
Colour correction and high fashions colours...
Question? When is a colour service a colour correction service?
Answer ! when it is a colour change or any thing different to existing pre coloured hair...
So why is it called a colour correction you might ask?
A colour correction is basically any hair colour service to hair that has previous colour already on it and that is about to under go a change of colour.
Only if it is virgin hair or a touch up of your last hair colour for the same again is it not a correction. You also have major colour correction which is fixing the undesirable result of a colour job or box dye gone wrong.
As a team we discussed this at our last meeting and we decided it would be good to talk about this in details just down to how many times a week we come across the confusion caused by this service request...
Many times bookings are made for a colour but actually what it should be booked in as is a colour correction. A colour change you might think is just a colour change but it’s really not as there are so many elements to take into account when trying to reach a new target shade from a previous existing colour.
We do try to get as much info from our clients as we can on the phone and clients can be reluctant to come in to see us before their booking as everyone is so busy but it is very advisable to visit the salon for the free consultation if you know you are going to ask for a change.
As professionals we can help determine how much damage has been done and help come up with a plan to correct the colour mishap. If the damage is minor, we may be able to fix it with a all over dye job that can be done but that is only if you are happy to go darker and the hair is strong enough. If your hair is dry and brittle from bleach damage you may need multiple bleaching and toning sessions spread out over several weeks to get the colour you feel ok with but after each round of colour you will have to let your hair rest and recover for a couple of weeks and then again let your stylist/colourist try again to move towards your target shade.
No ones hair strands aren’t just one colour.
There are many underlying tones you can’t see with the naked eye, red, yellow, and orange pigments all combine to make the hair colour you see and if you’ve ended up with an unflattering brassy orange or garish yellow after attempting to lighten your locks with bleach, chances are its going to take time to lift those unwanted pigments away.
So colour correction involves either toning out unwanted tones colours or brassiness, dying your hair darker, to do a cover up or lightening your hair even more to try to achieve the desired effect.
What can you do to help us with getting the best for this type of process...
Hair treatments to take home to use in between each round of colour is highly recommended. Use products that we advise you to use as some products can cause a barrier to the next round of colour which will set your colour journey back. We are a L’oreal salon and all our products are designed by industry leaders so we are very confident in the products we recommend to you.
We offer a personalised hair care service where you can bring in anything you currently use and we devise a be spoke hair care plan for your hair...
There are a few things to consider if you are thinking of a change, here are a few to help your decision.
• Is the change you want achievable
• Have you had a skin test 48 hours in advance of your booking
• If its a colour change you need to visit the salon a few days before hand so we can take strands to test, his
will check if your hair strong enough to take the steps needed to make the change
• Doing anything well takes time
• Do you have enough time, as some jobs can take 4/5 hours.
• You need to give the salon time as it cant be rushed or too much done in one go
• Be aware that from the starting point of your colour, to getting what you want can take 5 visits
• Any previous tint now matter how light or dark needs bleach to strip it out
• Colour erasers are still bleach, no tint will correct tint no matter what you have been told before
• There are several steps to a successful correction
• How strong your hair is to start with is a big factor
• Mid way through the correction re bond products may need to be applied to allow more correcting
• Each visit will only allow so much to be done and you may not get success for a few visits
• Do you have the patience to be a colour you don't like in-between while your on the correction journey
• The more stages to the service the more the cost will be...
• When it comes to bright unusual fashion colours all of the above apply and also to consider that they fade
off each time you was them so they only last a couple of weeks and need topping up very regular to keep
the colours vibrant.
• Fashion colours of 2 or more shades start to run into each other as they get washed and fade and this is a
common issue and hard to stop
• Swapping and changing from colour to colour each time makes it very difficult to get great colour results Regarding pricing for this type of service...
One of the most difficult questions to answer on the phone is “how much will it cost” so here’s the thing
For example if your hair is black, first visit if it all goes well you may get a copper or yellow gold...so
Step 1 initial strip back with bleach
Step 2 this may then need a re bond treatment and
Step 3 also a toner all in the same visit, then it may or may not need a cut so changes the price
Each step can add an additional £15 to £20 on top of the starting price.
This is why its so hard to quote on the phone.
The salon can give you a rough guide but it is very difficult to give you an exact quote as we are acting and managing your service depending on how your hair responds to each step also some hair is long or short, some hair a lot thicker than other hair and will cost more for extra product use and time as needed.
The same can apply if you are asking us on the phone to quote if have red or copper or blue hair and want to go blonde or back to your own colour. Its about peeling off the old layers while trying to maintain the strength and the bonds in the hair so the hair does not break. None of these services are achievable in one visit they cannot be accurately quoted on the phone and none come with a quick easy fix...
Hopefully this information will help guide you if you are thinking of changes and also explain why a in person consultation is needed and skin tests are now a legal requirement and any salon offering a colour without a skin test are breaking the law.
If you are a colabella client and have had colour with us previously as long as you answer NO to all the health and safety colour questions we ask you, we can put you back on a Matrix/Loreal colour passport which you sign to confirm all the No answers and proceed with your service.
Don’t forget consultations are free but you do need to book in for it and there is a cancellation fee if you do not attend or cancel the appointment.
Have a very good start to autumn next blog will touch on all the autumnal hair colours that are trending lots of virtual hugs
Anna x
August 2020
Hey everyone
so we survived the crazy return back to work. The team Ren & I have worked like trojans and we are so proud of getting the waiting list caught up and all our fab clients back into luscious locks.
Like many other businesses, we have had to make some alterations to our salon services to ensure we’re following government guidelines. These differences are vital to your safety as well as our staff. We continually deep clean but as most of you know we always have even pre cover - 19. All our staff have PPE and we are exercising the WHO hand washing advice and the 1 to 2 metre rule at all possible times.
Our policy still requires clients to wear a mask in our salons and our aim is for you to attend our salons with complete confidence in your safety, so let’s break down a few other things that will be different so you know what to expect on your visit.
Masks & Temperature Checks
We are required to ask all visiting the salon to wear masks when inside the building. Feel free to bring your own , or we are able to provide them for you for a small charge. We will also be testing your temperature to ensure you’re in the best health to have your treatment and to keep our venue virus free for everyone. Please come to the reception desk to collect your mask if you do not have one but we will take your temperature before moving into the salon. Hand sanitiser will be readily available for all on arrival.
So with all that out of the way lets talk some salon talk.
First of all I need to remind everyone about...
Skin Test..
The safety of all our clients is paramount to us and that is why we adhere to manufacturer guidelines on skin safety testing, which means carrying out a patch test 48 hrs prior to your appointment.
Although it is very rare, a reaction to hair colour can occur and I have been a suffer of hair colour reaction, in previous blogs I talk about how had a serious could have been fatal reaction, if you suffer a reaction it can be severe, painful and distressing. At its most serious, an allergic reaction can result in hospitalisation and death!!!
For the thousands of perfect skin tests, whenever that one skin test flags a reaction before an actual colour appointment was carried out, all of us are hugely relieved we found out the easy, stressless way.
What Do I Need To Know?
You must book a skin test if you have had any of the following:
• you have used a box colour between appointments, we will need to carry out a new skin test.
•If you have had a tattoo or micro blading also still need a new skin test.
• you have suffered an illness that has recently put your immune system under strain
(Coronavirus is an example of this). Any illness that puts your immune system under strain
may cause your body to overreact to colour services.
• If you have had a colour appointment at another salon.
•Or not had a colour with us for over 6 months. You will be asked these questions...
For anyone that requires a skin test (or if you are under any doubt or concern that a recent illness may include you) this must be done at least 48 hours prior to your appointment.
If you are not sure please call us and we will advise you.
Once your skin test is up to date as a L’oreal/Matrix salon we can sign you onto a client passport. If you answer no to the questions on the form then you can sign your passport and we can proceed with your colour knowing you meet the guidelines we follow.
YEY more boring talk done !
Lets talk hair...I think some tips on how often to visit the salon will be helpful as many of you have found out how your hair starts to struggle when it is not up kept regularly.
How often to have you hair trimmed?
Many of us have goals for our hair, for some of us it is to grow it long, for others, it's keeping a short and neat choppy crop, and for some its to just get it healthy. Our team at Colabella are hear to guide and advise you an what is best and how long to space between visits.
If you're trying to grow your hair long, it makes sense to let it grow and it's a myth that cutting it encourages a growth spurt. Thats not true. What is true is that trimming off dead ends even just a quarter of an inch every 12 weeks will help it stay glossy, shiny and healthy, cutting away split ends before they can spread. Also it stops the hair shedding from the ends causing a very weak base line meaning it never gains any length as it keeps breaking away.
Removing damaged ends is important if you're a fan of using heat to style your hair then you should get the ends trimmed every six to eight weeks. YES even if you are growing it, actually ESPECIALLY if you are growing it.
If you want to keep your short, say like a cute pixie cut, then you may find that it needs to be cut as often as every four weeks. Short to medium structured styles need this. For longer bobs and shoulder length then six weeks to prevent it from growing out.
If you're currently wearing a fringe, then you will find you need a maintenance trim at least every four weeks to keep it out of your eyes. We have always done a pop in £5 fringe trim to stop you getting the kitchen scissors to it but due to covid-19 please call to pop in for this service.
Even if you intend to grow out your fringe, our stylists can help shape it so that it falls more evenly into the rest of your hair.
Those with layered hair may also find their look starts to lose its shape after around eight weeks; and again, even if you're looking to grow this out, a cut every 10 to 12 weeks should help.
In general the advice is to try and get split ends cut while they are still at the ends of the hair, it stops them running away up the hair then being difficult to get to unless you have a good fe inches cut off.
With the guys most common is a short around the back & sides with bit of length on top and this sort of style rarely suffers from split ends as quite a bit gets cut off each time but as with any longer styles if you boys want to keep some length and keep it in good condition then try to aim for 4 to 8 weeks with your salon visits.
Since the salon re opened many of clients with mid to long hair clients have gone for sharp long bobs to get rid of the split ends caused by months of no trims. Pixie cut has gone crazy again but its never going to go out of trend just due to its simple no fuss up keep.
So if you're looking for fresh and trendy hair do ideas that are current then keep your eye on our colabella social media or our web site hairstyles page is a great place to start.
As always as the seasons change, you'll notice that hairstyle trends change too. So keep checking back with us so you can keep up-to-date with the latest hairstyle trends and never have a bad hair day.
Have a fab August Anna x
July 2020
With our Colabella hair salons hopefully able to reopen on the 4th July, we have created an extensive guide with advice and recommendations for when we open our doors. As most of you know the government has said no to beauty so we will re open offering hair services only...
In this blog is some of the information to try to make it as clear as possible on everything you need to know before you visit us again. Our full risk assessment is available in salon.
Don’t forget to keep an eye out on our social media as well as more updates and what you need to know will be posted there. I’ll say sorry now if this blog is all Covid and no hair or fashion talk but it’s so important I really just want to focus on the re opening.
Booking appointments...
While we are booking you in we are doing a verbal risk assessment and we will ask you questions, we will explain the new hygiene rules that are in place during the call. Everything we explain must be followed to ensure the safest working procedures are followed through.
Please bring a mask to wear. We will ask you to use sanitiser as you enter, also when you arrive at the salon your temperature will be taken.
You will see and you will be reassured that we have measures in place to keep you safe.
The door will be locked and we will let you in if the safe numbers make it possible. If not we will explain how long before we can let you in.
If possible do not bring coats or we will have to provide plastic bags so they can be stored safely.
Water will be the only drink served in disposable cups, which will be disposed of correctly.
We have had to adapt the retail area to a no touch area.
All our shelving and products are cleaned and sanitised daily, and we disinfect the area and the products. Only the stylist/staff can touch products. We will ask you if you need any products for home use and take it from the shelves for you.
In order to prevent contamination, we apply a WASH AFTER USE policy on all customer ‘fabrics’ e.g. gowns, towels etc. We always have used correct hygiene procedures and we will continue to do so.
We ensure everything is washed with water at 60 degrees or above. Our tools and workstations are sanitised after each client ensuring that everything is disinfected ready for the next client.
As a team working in a close contact environment we need a good client communications plan, so together we can work through all the changes.
So just as with our team, you our clients are going to need a bit of training, too. But do not worry we are fully trained on what to do.
We will guide you to ensure that your visit and safeguarding measures are explained clearly and followed during your appointment.
Things will take a little longer so please allow extra time for your appointment.
We are updating are information regularly from the NHBF (National hair and beauty federation) from GOV.UK and PUBLIC HEALTH ENGLAND so we will be able to quickly add or change any procedures as soon as any are updated.
So here we are our doors will soon be re opened after the most surreal time ever.
I don’t know how you all feel or what you have planned for the future but I look forward to hearing all about from you all it soon, for me I’m just praying for my life not go back to the crazy busy overwhelming pace it was before lockdown. Just that easing of structure and letting things roll and happen has been really nice. I think holding on to some of the feelings of quiet gained in lockdown is my little mission so if you see me looking like my fingers have been put back in an electrical socket please feel free to remind me of that 🙂
Next month I will be blogging hair nutrition so until then stay safe don’t be too relaxed with the rules and have a great July
Virtual hugs
Anna x
The guys this summer will be staying safe no wild trends to report. In a nutshell, it is a remix of the short back and sides where the length on top works with gravity rather than against it.
most guys are sporting a lot of lengthy hair due to lockdown so a great chance to play with a style that has a messy textured top with cropped short sides. You should ask Ren or one of our team for a high blend out and ask for plenty of length to be left on top. easy to style and nice and cool around that back and neck.
If you have a natural wave you can just put some clay or wax on wet hair and leave it to dry naturally, its a great casual look for the summer.
Lots of great styles around with easy styling in mind...
With all these easy to style summer trends all we need now is for this fab weather to continue and most importantly the R rate to stay down so we can safely work our way out of lockdown and back to life. Hopefully in a better way than before. I for one will be working hard to keep up all my new routines. I will be in touch again in the next few weeks with further details start dates, more specifics in terms of what social distancing measures will need to be in place and a plan.
Keep your eyes on our social media for more announcements. Please like and share our media it really helps get our message out there. don't forget our NHS & KEY WORKERS competition, keep nominating.
enjoy the start of our gentle walk out of lockdown, stay safe and fingers crossed this lovely weather continues!
virtual hugs Anna x
May 2020
Hi everyone & I hope you are doing well in this strange new world of lock-down hand washing, queuing for food & more hand washing.
As a small business we are learning as we go to navigate the closure of the businesses and our actions are based on the government guidance.
At the moment we do not have a go back to work date in sight but we will keep you fully updated via all our social media platforms & on our web site as soon as we have our go back to work date & strategy in place.
The sadness that surrounds us is harrowing & we feel we must not let down our guard too soon.
We are blessed by our NHS & all the other key workers keeping our health & our economy ticking over.
It’s great to say thank you by going outside at 8 pm on Thursdays with all my neighbours to applaud & show these people we appreciate them & we are all dependent on at this time. We have done clapping, car horns & clapping pots & pans & clapping this week its music & clapping, trust me it will be a right racket !!!
So thoughts for May...
To keep safe & follow the rules, to keep our minds on the bigger picture, we must stay focused, positive & make the most of this unique if not strange time.
Its amazed me how easily I have filled my time, even though we suddenly & unexpectedly have all this time it’s been a real eye opener of just how hard we pushed our selves in pre COVID life to still have so much to do without even leaving the house.
Personally I am enjoying not rushing around, there are still many work & home tasks to do & get done but just that feeling of doing it at a slower pace of life has felt good.
I’ve been enjoying more walks I’ve noticed the air is much cleaner, time spent with loved ones & I have enjoyed doing some of those little jobs that were always waiting for a good time to do them, that of course never came 🙂
Salon life as we know it is closed but Kirsty Steph & myself are still working hard keeping our social media alive, posting products out to clients etc.
Steph & I just upload it but it’s Kirsty that is the brains of it. It gives us an active presence while we are closed so please do interact with us, comment, like & share our posts & take part in our competitions & NHS & Key Workers give aways. Nominate any key workers & as soon as we are back we will be doing some serious pampering to say thank you for their hard selfless work. Its just great way for you to keep up with us.
If you are worried about your hair...
Don’t worry...
This time was put on us, we didn't choose it & it should be seen as time for new ideas & new objectives new ways to exercise, lets grasp the chance for changes & trying new things even a little meditation or mindfulness.
We are all on a learning curve as we are being asked to step up in some way & to all pull together as a community, to play our part & respond in whatever helpful way we can, if it’s shielding our elderly family & neighbours by shopping or posting a letter for them or just giving elderly relatives a call, just anything you can do to show care at this time is much appreciated by the recipient.
When it comes to the salons I am trying not to worry, it just undoes all the good work being done by the slower pace of life & it lowers our vibrations but If you are sensitive like me you can some times get those feeling at this scary time but I just re-focus my attention back in the moment & that can really help to re-balance & push those feelings away also a few good long breaths can help, we learned that when we were on a first aid course.
Everyone will get slotted as soon as we can re open. If the ends are split or it feels bit dry just apply an extra mask a week & leave it on a little longer. Don’t be tempted to box dye. If you feel low because of your roots you can buy root touch up sprays on line & in many supermarkets these days. My hair is scandalous I have had my base ball cap on now practically even in my sleep and it’s not like you can go any where to show it off. I know its about how it makes you feel but honestly don't risk it. I have had many messages & text asking what colour to buy to up keep clients hair but of course it would be incorrect for me to advise on products that i have no knowledge of. The touch up sprays are your best option if you do not want to cause damage.
However if you do cave in and buy a box dye do skin test your self 48 hours before you use it. A rash or a skin break out is the least of your worries, people die every year from hair die, especially if it’s a change of brand or you have applied over broken skin that you have not noticed on your scalp.
If you have box dyed don't forget before you can comeback to us for a colour you will need a fresh skin test 48 hours before you come back to us.
Our contact numbers are on the salon answer system so if you do need to speak to us you can get the numbers by calling the salons.
Remember you can keep in touch so for now, be safe, be well, be good to yourself, keep on keeping on & know that we will get through this
Now go and sanitise your hands
Big Hugs Anna x
April 2020
Ren my self & all our team are doing well and we are all safe at home... We hope you're staying safe and well too.
I am sending you a quick update today regarding the Covid-19 outbreak.
As most of you know for the safety of my staff and my wonderful customers the salons will stay closed until further notice. Once we get the go ahead from authorities we will then decide what our trading hours will be but we don’t really know at the moment how that will look.
I'm not going to lie I have felt so devestated by all of this.
People loosing their life people getting sick, locked in our homes. It feels like a futuristic film you saw as a child.
Our heart go out to families that have lost loved ones it’s just harrowing.
The world as we know it has changed I am still stunned as I’m sure you guys are too. There are all kinds of questions & concerns we all have.
Like all small businesses we have worries about income, paying outstanding bills, worrying about our customers, feeling vulnerable, physically and emotionally drained and not knowing how this will go right ?
This is a scary time and we need to adapt quickly as we find life changing by the day here in the U.K AND across the globe. Staying focused and keeping a good mind set is of paramount importance.
I have always been blessed with a faith and a positive mind set, so along with all the real feelings and thoughts mentioned above I am staying positive and using this lock down time wisely.
Every day I’m doing something new, even just for 15 minutes. Things I never have time to do and even trying things that I don’t like doing like !
Time is something we are all short of in this fast pace life we usually live so try and use this time as a self system re boot...Don’t slob out & do nothing, that’s ok for an hour or two a day but if you do more slobbing than living it will make you feel mentally & physically drained very quickly.
Set yourselves small goals to keep your self motivated. You will feel good inside and out by keeping up good eating exercising and self care routines.
I know from the e mails & social media messages we have been getting many of you are already feeling fed up, missing your hair & beauty services...
You can get in touch with us and ask our advice, we can help and advise you.
. Get the best barber advice from Ren just e mail your questions through the web site or social media.
. Ask us any worries you have re your hair & nails & we will do our best to talk you through a solution to self service while we are all in lockdown.
. Order products if you are running low & we will post them to you*
*postage charges incurred
. Keep checking back to our social medial we are posting hair tips ideas and just silly things to keep us smiling.
So for now please follow government and medical advice and limit social interaction. Be kind to eachother and stay home & stay safe.
Let's show the world how resiliant and adaptive we can all be.
The sooner we can all start to work together the sooner we can all start opening up our doors again.
Remember we are always here to support you on your alternative hair journey in anyway we possibly can.
Stay home stay safe
Anna x
March 2020
Spring is around the corner...
Style news
As the jagged choppy bob exits the sleek pageboy does another come back, along with this classic look the sleek and shiny bobs will be a thing.
The pageboy was massive in the 1970’s but actually first hit the scene in the 50’s. Designed for medium to short length hair, the pageboy generally stopped at shoulder-length but later saw the hair cut to just below the ear, where it curls under. The current version is slightly longer but this is a style that does not work passed the shoulder as that stops the base line from curling under. Worth a try if you are thinking of growing your hair as it’s a great style to get you through that medium stage where styling gets difficult. If I look back at childhood photos us Colabella girls had a pageboy style more than once over the years...
Colour news for spring is no longer contrasting colours. We spoke about more chunky high and lowlights in previous bogs. As we predicted
flashes of colour won’t be a flash but the more dominant thicker panels of colour are being asked for a lot. From chunky, face-framing streaks, to bold underlayer colours that show through as the hair moves.
These colours work best on lengths medium and long.
Whether you are an existing colour client or you have never had a colour with us before, it’s always worth having a fresh colour consultation. This can be booked any time and we allow a free slot most days. You can then chat through any changes your thinking about ahead of your booking. Also strands taken to check strength if you are thinking of going from dark to lighter. There is no mixing this up...tint won’t lift tint. Even if you are trying to go one shade lighter and you have existing tint on your hair the product that is used is a bleach. Colour strippers are just bleach. This takes time to asses and check before we just go ahead and use. The Sharon Osborne images of her going from dark to grey in one session is unrealistic. Do able but only with super strong hair and at least 2 re bond packs and treatments applied in between each round of bleach. At a guess I would say at least 3 rounds of bleach. Then after all the bleach and bonding definitely one round of toner or possible even two. Cost factor from £150 + depending on the length.
The difficulty with a colour change if your stylist does not know about it before you arrive, is that the correct time will not be booked at your appointment. The strength of your hair has not been assessed and so this may mean you cannot have the change done. Ask in salon about a fresh colour consultation appointment...
Extending lengths
Our social media has been buzzing a lot about hair extensions recently.
We aim our campaigns around what we are being messaged, what is trending and e mails we get from our clients or the general public. So again we predicted a big return this year but with much improved products and techniques entering the market. There is a great feel good factor if you have been trying to grow your hair for a couple of years to just walk out with flowing locks. Its not just length either, they can be used on hair like my own that is very fine just to add volume but still keep the same length.
Celebrity favoured brands such as Rapture are high in demand. It’s easy to see why thanks to their natural look and lasting-quality, they are non bulky and very comfy to wear and they cause very little negative factors to your hair.
We offer other extensions Balmain bonded and for fast quick transformation the clip in hair extensions systems. All services done by appointment only
and again we offer a free come in and chat service if you fancy a consultation just call to book.
Unisex and gents styling is staying mostly with blends and fade outs around the back and sides but with the length still around the top and crown to give that extra bit of styling option. Popular products asked for mostly in salon at moment are Matrix Total Results Mega Sleek Varnish, it’s thicker so adds sheen but with no greasy feel. Another long time favourite Matrix Style Link Matte Definer.
In house barber Ren rates both highly to help control styles like... The bro flow, Hard part, Quiff, or the Faux hawk and they won’t leave a sticky product build up. So as we move away from the dark nights the desire for hair changes always seems to come around don’t do same same get a new look to bounce you into the new season.
It’s actually one my favourite season even more so than summer...
As flowers start to blossoms for their own joy and the sleepy gardens parks and country side start to awaken from the winter it’s the time of year where you really feel the sense of an awakening...
Happy March
Anna x
February 2020
February has rocketed in, the month well known for VALENTINES DAY & LOVE.
Now the year is well under way lets make sure we show our selves a bit of LOVE by keeping up some smart changes we started this new year.
Some of you may and others may not know that I am a qualified nutritional therapist and now and again I like to have a little blog about food, nutrition and just how it all affects our physical mental and emotional health.
A lot of people focus on being healthier for the first week or two of the new year, losing weight, exercising, keeping to a great skin or hair care routine, getting out doors more all of the above and more. Then as the year ticks away so do some of the good changes that we have made.
Eating a diet that is healthy is not hard but the temptations these days with so many goodies out there is.
Sugary foods that play havoc with our health, skin and weight have sneaked into so many items it can be a mission to avoid them at times. It’s a good thing to cut down and has great health benefits. When it comes to eating well, cooking from fresh is the best option and have a whole food diet.
A good plan is to try not to exclude any food groups, follow meal plans that include eating lean proteins, whole grains, and include fruit and vegetables into your meals.
If your food preferences exclude any groups then try and research other items that will give some of the benefits being lost by the foods you avoid. I don't eat meat so I'm always trying options to get proteins into my meal plans.
Im a firm believer in steady and strong, lets not overwhelm ourselves and get all faddy but instead make small changes gradually that then become part of our everyday life and before you know it not only will you feel better the other physical changes to your body skin and your hair will start to show quite quickly. Mentally you will feel sharper and physically you will have more energy too.
A great way to add interest into your meal plans isbn using herb spices and this can allow you to add flavour and helping properties into your meals.
There are many benefits from herbs & spices
So here are just a few that make a nice additions to your cupboard to spice things up a bit and they give some wonderful health benefits too.
Brown mustard seeds...an anti ageing must have, also helps with menopausal symptoms
Cassia bark...helps control blood sugar levels & cholesterol
Cayenne pepper...a rich source of vitamins so it is a great antioxidant
Cumin...great for digestive problems & bloating, also good immune system kick
Coriander...this little beauty has a high iron content so great if you not a fan of meat,it has anti bacterial content & also good for hay fever
Green cardamom...good for relieving constipation and also helping to control blood pressure Turmeric...It is a natural anti inflammatory so helps to combat arthritis,helps with heartburn,sore throats,and stomach pains. New research also shows that it inhibits the growth of certain cancer cells
Saffron...this is packed with vitamins and minerals so an all round health optimiser
Anyone trying these spices for the first time to check with their Gp or health practitioner if they are on medication.
Keep up your good routines and you can e mail for more info on any of the blogs and not forgetting as February is the month of showing loved ones you care, we have some fab suggestions for pamper packages and gift vouchers in salon.
Any gift vouchers or packages bought will have a little extra treat from us to spoil you that little bit more, just ask in salon for more details...
Happy healthy February Anna x
Curly or straight it’s a great look...you can dress it up or down and it’s very low maintenance just due to it not being a structured cut that needs topping up every 4 weeks. These kind of styles you can easily go 6 to 8 weeks between trims.
December 2019
At Colabella we are all set for your party season hair & beauty needs...
The Christmas party season is well and truly upon us and at this time of year it always requires that our hair and beauty are done to a high level of glamour. Family party, office party, party just to party what ever the party we are here to beautify you...
It can also become quite stressful just trying to get everything done, the list of 1000’s things to do and on top of that great hair and make up !
During the season to be merry over the last 43 years in the business one thing I see over and over is people getting into a real panic about getting everything done ! It all gets done in the end so just take your time plod through your list of to do jobs and try your best to reduce any excess stress.
YES there is a lot to do, YES you want to make people happy, YES you want to show your love to your friends and family but don't put your self under stress.
Some of the stories I hear in salon could curl your toes never mind your hair Spend your time and money any way you wish but don't do it out of obligation.
Enjoy special times with friends and family show them love and appreciation.
Then there is you?
Who better to spoil at Christmas than yourself ! Go on just a little bit 🙂
We make sure everyone has all they need even if we go without so make this year the season to be good to yourself, go out and buy that perfume you wanted all year or the designer hand bag you love.
Then there’s the feeling good & looking good factor, thats where we come in.
So fear not Colabella has got you covered...
We’re here to get you into the party spirit with a selection of our top party packages, to get you looking fabulous and to see you through the party season in style.
Go on get that on Christmas party music on and worry no more...
For the Christmas party season we are doing packages of
hair nails lashes
you will need a skin test for party lashes 48 hours before your booking. For the guys we are doing
gents grooming packages
Ask in salon for the package prices.
Gift sets and gift vouchers are also available, we can make be spoke packages for you all you need to do is let us know who its for if its one of our clients we will do made to order gift set for them.
Feel free to pop in for a free consultation if you are thinking of having an up do as it is advisable because time slots can be chosen more accurately if we know howling we need to create a style for you.
Due to demand our bookings for December require a small deposit.
It is refundable if you give us 24 hours notice to cancel.
October 2019
London Hair show 2109
Well the team Ren & I are just back from the London salon hair show its the main event of the year in the industry calendar.
As well as having some great fun and laughs as we always do we also did some great fact finding.
We have been hot on the trail of anything new and need to know to bring back for all our fabulous clients in the West midlands. We always stand out where ever we go and its a pleasure to be out with the team for industry events.
It was a brilliant show and we had some great opportunities to advance our skills and knowledge in our trade.
As the weather changes, you'll notice that your hair changes too. As the air gets cold and more dry, you'll notice your hair might start to feel a little drier than it did before.
It's important to use a few preventative measures to scale back on hair damage during this season and to make the transition to winter less harsh on your hair. We saw lots of hair treatments and tried many. The word out there is really that its back to nature. This is why we love the Matrix treatment range. Not only no parabens and no sulphates but always guarantee a mix of fab plant and herb extracts.
COLABELLA love them…
When it comes to avoiding damage we always advise to limit the time it takes to blow dry your hair., when ever possible
The longer you go, the more damage you'll do. Try air-drying or gently towel drying your hair before going in with the blow dryer. You'll limit the heat damage done if you stick to a Medium heat setting also. Use a good quality blow dry brush for quicker and better results than a paddle brush. You will find by buying your brushes in salon not only will you get 30% off high street prices but we can guide you to the best brushes for your styling needs.
I know I say it all the time in hair care blogs but you really must use heat protector products, its like going out in the mid day sun with no skin factor on! The range at Colabella will suit all hair types and as we use Matrix/L’oreal you can be sure of the great quality of the ranges we offer.
This is so important since it's more likely that you will be blow drying your hair more in winter as its too cold to leave damp hair air drying but as I said when you can avoid blowdrying then do.
Don't skip a haircut and colour freshen up
Your hair probably spent a lot of time outside or in the sun this summer and will need some T-L-C. Before winter starts, take the time to get your ends trimmed and even freshen up your color if you're feeling adventurous the big fat chunky highlights are making a come back. It a real marmite one, some people loved that chunky striped style of colour and others prefer a more softer blended look. One thing I would say is don’t get in a colour hum drum and just stay with the same just because you don't know what to go for. We are colour specialist at Colabella and we can steer you into something fresh and new to warm up dulled summer blondes or re vamp faded tones.
Our consultations are free and we love to spend time talking about your hair & your hair needs…
Have a great hair October and book in if you need a chat about anything hair & beauty…
Anna x
September 2019
There's never a wrong time to get a fringe cut in.
Nothing should stop you, not your face shape, or even your hair type. You can consider the up keep if you have a kink and the maintenance and awkward grow-out phase but at Colabella we love to transform a style with fringes.
They are timeless and they're so surprisingly flattering. They add years of youth in a snip in the few minutes that it takes to style one into someone’s hair.
If you do have a strong kink right on the hair line it probably won’t be easy to keep a full block fringe but there are still options that you can have even with the kink...
Its a great move to make when you're looking to break out of a hair rut as it’s an instant new look.
Celebs like Cheryl Cole currently going for the centre curtain style fringe, then you have Elizabeth Olsen wearing a whispy arched style fringe. A really nice look worn by ex coronation street star Brooke Vincent with a long centre parting sweeping fringe and Michelle Keegan sporting her new centre parted fringe.
Side sweep, centre curtain, full block or a full arch fringe and choppy textured. Even jaw length long fringes. So many options.
The one thing with a fringe is that they are at the front, they do need up keep especially if you want to wear a full fringe just above your eye line. Top up trims will be needed in between full hair cuts. Usually 3 weeks apart.
So that clients don’t feel the need to hack at there own hair to keep on top of the style, we offer a pop in fringe service, it’s open to clients that have there cut & finish with us and just need a fringe top up.
Priced at only £5.95...can be done in your lunch break and done from dry as long as the hair is clean...
November 2019
Blog a bit about this and that...
How many times do we get asked “ am I too old for” too many times !
The answer....
NO you are not!
Embrace what ever age you are and remember there is no age tag on any style. I still wear my hair in 2 plaits some days and I am well into my 50’s.
You are not a number, you are a person reflecting your own personality...age is just a number a count of how many years we have been here.
Style however is about how you carry your self...you can be stylish at any age. My nan who was lucky to have all her daughters as hairdressers had her hair colour done right up to being 98. I had not seen her for 2 years so when I went to Italy for her 100 birthday I was amazed that she had let the colour grow out. I asked her why you stopped having colour Nonna (nan) she said oh I’m too old now...I laughed, but the point being she was still having colour at 98 not for any one else but just because she liked having it done. We lost her when she was 105 but she was always a stylish well turned out woman all her life, so dont let a number define what you do...
There are some things that are still trending and some old things back on the scene that are trending again.
I’ll start with the
Long root drag Or some times called melt is still very on trend and it’s so easy to see why. The up keep on this no fuss colour service means that having roots is absolutely fine.
It takes away from the need to get a colour every 4 to 6 weeks and most clients find they can get their regular 6 weekly trim but only need the colour service every 10 to 12 weeks.
Not only saving you money but as we are always all so busy, making it possible time wise for you to treat your self to other services like a lovely manicure or facial. What’s not to love about that.
Updo’s are another big hit once the weather turns cold. There is nothing worse than trying to get volume in or keep frizz out in bad weather. Hey presto up do...
This year we are swinging right back to the 90’s with that pulled back smooth root but textured bun look. You only have to look at the celebs out & about to see that quick up do can keep your locks under control when we are hitting a bad weather day.
Another fab look at the moment is the Ballerina Bun this takes up do to a more groomed finish and again great in bad weather. At Colabella you can always bet the ballerina buns will be in force with stylists who have long hair during horrid weather days. It’s so easy to do at home. All you need is a donut ring a few pins and hey ho your good to go. There are lots of tutorials on u tube if you have never done one and believe me once you know then you can flip one of these in just minutes.
Back to Colour and the bronze highlights are also making a come back. Part due to just how much up keep the grey, ash & violet tones are to up keep. As many of us know if you have hair darker than a /6 base ( dark blonde) it is a mission trying to keep gold tones out!!! Seriously if we had £1 for every image of dark drown & black hair that we have been sent by message/social media etc we could retire...and alway with the question ? How much to get my hair like this ? With a picture of white or grey or pink or purple. It’s not how much that you need to know, it’s that if you have been putting brown or black if it will possibly take until the trend has passed to get that effect on your hair. I personally love warm tones so I’m super glad the trend has turned the gold bronze tones take much less out of the condition of your hair and also warm the tones of your skin which is great for the winter months...
Any info you need feel free to e mail me from our contact tab and don’t forget we offer a free consultation service. Just book in for one if you fancy a style or colour consultation we are always happy to talk about all things hair and beauty, check back next month and we will see what’s new for Christmas...
Have a great hair month
Anna x
August 2019
Men’s Hair Care
However short or long your hair is, maintaining its strength, elasticity and shine is key. Just as you keep fit and eat well to keep your body healthy, you need to do a few things to ensure your hair stays healthy too. As you may know from previous blogs I'm a nutritionist as well as a stylist so lets always start with the basics.
Eating a balanced, nutrient rich diet and staying hydrated is just as important for your hair health as it is for your physical health. Its a fact that the health of your hair is generally a good reflection of the overall health, famous words and true “ you are what you eat “.
Don't over wash your hair
You’ve probably heard it before yes wash your hair every day if you need to but the shampooing can strip the hair of its natural oils, which can leave it dry and damaged so try not to wash it twice a day, some people wash it morning and night and that is too much.
Conditioning your hair
Do use a conditioner its easy to skip this if you have short hair but it does help to stop scalp dryness, you should try to condition after every shampoo; the longer your hair, the more easily the ends can become dry and damaged.
Look after your scalp
A healthy head of hair starts with a healthy scalp. Don’t shampoo and condition with water that’s too hot, and turn down the heat on your hairdryer, if your scalp feels dry and itchy, use a deep conditioning treatment to replenish moisture.
Use the right products for your hair
It’s important to use the right styling products for your hair type and texture. If you have thick coarse hair or plenty of hair, pomades and waxes are a great way to create a matte, messy texture. If your hair stands are fine, or your hair is thin or there’s less density between the hair follicle, then you should use lighter products; apply a mousse, sea salt or texturizing spray. Apply the products to towel-dried hair just before blow-drying to add volume and texture, then style with a matte hair clay to finish.
Professional products go a long way
If you are using salon bought hair product a that a little goes a long way, too much of it weighs the hair down and can make it look greasy.
Keep it trimmed
You may be wondering; how often should I get my hair cut, the answer is it usually depends on the style and how quickly your hair actually grows; ultimately, you know your own hair best. Typically, men’s hair needs trimming every 3-6 weeks, but this can vary. Its better to keep regular appointments and stay looking sharp rather than letting it grow wild and have a major cut every now and then
Men’s Hair Loss
It’s common for men to lose some of their hair as they age. The majority of men have experienced hair loss to some degree by the age of 30, and male pattern baldness affects about 50% of men by the time they’re 50.
If your hair is thinning, you should go for a shorter cut that’s tighter on the sides; by cutting off any wispy ends and reducing the length, you’ll balance out the length on
top and make the hair look thicker. You should also use matte products on your hair, since these absorb light to create the illusion of fullness.
Ren @ colabella
Is our expert in this field he has a massive knowledge on all things hair loss...including laser options, surgical options or just how to maintain what you have.
Though men have been removing or trimming hair on their bodies for years, someone’s only just come up with a name for it: manscaping. Whether you’re practically
hairless or you just groom your body hair in one or two places, a little trim here and there never hurt anybody, keeps it all in check...
You can choose to wax, shave or pluck excess body hair, it just depends on how much you want to remove and also your pain threshold. You also need to think
about the placement and shaping of your body hair (especially when it comes to l
arger areas like the chest).
Facial manscaping
This includes your brows, ears and nose. A trimmer with interchangeable heads is an easy
way to keep on top of any strays protruding from your ears or nostrils. In salon @ colabella we can use hot waxing an option. Some guys prefer us to pluck but this
can be discussed at the consultation.
Don’t forget the hands & toes
Manicure and pedicures for the guys now is massive, years ago it was only for weddings and holidays that the guys would come in...these days its just great to see the guys looking after their personal care at a whole new level...
We offer a free consultation service if you would like to book in just give us a call or email info@colabella.co.uk
July 2019
Summer styling trends
If you've been growing out your hair since the last time summer rolled around, it's time for a change.
Get yourself booked in for a switch-up.
Why not try out a new texture or add some colour.
It doesn't matter if you have waves, curls, or straight hair. These are the haircut trends you'll see everywhere this summer.
The '90s trend isn't going anywhere. Kim Kardashian West just debuted a longer shoulder-grazing lob that she's been styling with a curl under at the ends. This retro look style is easy to achieve
as long as you have a good round blow dry brush..
Long bouncy bob
If you're opting for an half up half down or an up do, make sure you leave the front pieces down for something less formal and more effortless looking. Pair with a headband to add an element of festival.
Fringe fringe fringe...back again never goes away for long, great way to instant change your look. This summer celebrity craze of adding the fake fringes it has put the fringe back on trend...
Love this...wavy long bob... Wavy Lob
The universally flattering lob cut can be worn so many ways, but what I love most is wavy and loose for those hot summer days. No need to fight the heat just let the waves hang low and loose...
High Pony
The hotter it gets the more reason to go high ponytail. If your hair is super long just gather it at all up at the crown of your head in a stylish looking half-up ponytail.
Enjoy these easy styling summer ideas...
Follow us on Instagram Twitter & Facebook @colabella hair and beauty
- A new client booking a major hair colour change or If the slot is running into 3 hours. During December or other key dates in the year.
- For courses of treatments where you’re booking beauty and hair.
- Persistent no show offenders.
- Appointment cards
- Text messages
- Phone calls
May 2019
Why is my hair so greasy?
Its a common problem, a question we often get asked and its not a one thing answer.
If you struggle with greasy hair, you'll know the joy of lathering up and flushing away all that oil to be left with lovely clean locks.
However what you may not know is that every time you shampoo your scalp, you may actually be doing more harm than good.
Although shampooing may remedy the greasiness for the short term, it can actually be detrimental in the long run.
The most common cause of greasy hair...
Over-shampooing is actually one of the most common causes. Doing so stimulates the scalp's sebum glands to produce more oils, which results in a greasy scalp and hair. Hair becoming greasy results from a chemical imbalance in the scalp, which can happen when we over-shampoo and massage daily. When we do this, we remove vital moisturising elements in the hair and scalp. The body responds by producing more sebum glands to produce more oils, leading to a greasy scalp that can damage hair.
What is sebum?
Sebum is an oily liquid the body produces via the sebaceous glands. It keeps the scalp hydrated and stops hair from becoming too brittle, but an excess of it can lead to limp roots, dandruff and visibly greasy hair. In addition to excessive product use, excessive sebum production can be caused by fluctuations of the testosterone and adrenaline hormones, and by certain lifestyle choices.
So what can I do about it?
Parabens and Sulphates are strong chemicals that are put into many hair products to break down and remove all types of grease and to help the product bubble into a lather, its a cheap way to produce products so try to opt for a range like Matrix Biology that has no parabens or sulphates.
When you use these chemical based products on the hair, it can over- stimulate the scalp to produce more oils very quickly, making the greasy scalp worse and making your hair look shiny for a day but then dull and dirty after a day or two.
The advice from colabella is shampoo no more than necessary. Don't give up too soon be aware that it could take between 2-3 weeks for your scalp to regain its equilibrium and produce only the necessary amount of oil to keep the hair healthy. After a few weeks the sebum production will slow down and your hair will not be as greasy. If doing this does not work it is always worth looking at your diet and hormone production as both can also contribute to greasy hair...
April 2019
Matrix Biolage deep treatment packs
Spring is in the hair and no better time to start re investing some hydration back into our locks..
The new treatments have been a great addition to the already fabulous Biolage range...
What I really like is that they have made the packs bigger, which means that there is enough for more than one treatment in each pack...
Meaning each in salon treatment @colabella does not end there...
You will also enjoy a fabulous extended scalp massage by staff trained in head massage, it's a very relaxing experience.
Double bonus when the service is finished we then give you the rest of the pack to take home and use again and again.
Each pack had an average of 4/5 treatments in it, this means you can maintain the good work that we started for you in salon...
There will be a launch of a smoothing pack in this range this year.
Here are a couple of FAQ
Q: Help my hair is extremely dry and brittle. What can I do?
Reach for the
A: Whether it’s sun-ravaged locks or post-freeze tresses, Biolage Hydrasource Pack is made for dry, damaged hair. You can expect up to 70% less breakage with regular, weekly usage. Formulated with extracts of aloe and spirulina extract, Hydrasource drenches your hair with moisture and help control frizz. Plus, if you’re holding out on a haircut, it also helps seal split ends until your next date with the scissors. The smell is incredible and even the next day when you smell your hair it's just gorgeous.
HydraSource Multi Use Hair Mask for instant gratification and total hair transformation. Highly concentrated in caring agents for healthier-feeling hair with each use.
Infuse extremely dry hair with moisture and nourishment. Instantly hair is 2X more nourished with up to 70% less breakage*. Hair feels softer, more manageable and looks and feels healthier. Vegan formula and highly concentrated in plant-based emollients. Packed with aloe and spirulina, which are known for strengthening hair and giving it a glossy sheen.
Small but mighty, each pack contains at least four applications. Easy to squeeze, our packs are 77% lighter than a container of the same size and perfectly sealed for a fresh application each time.
Key Benefits:
• Infuses extremely dry hair with moisture and nourishment
• Vegan formula
• Light, easy to squeeze packaging
• 77% lighter than a container of the same size
Apply to wet hair and leave in 5-10 minutes. Rinse thoroughly. We recommend that you use the Biolage HydraSource Deep Treatment after cleansing with Biolage HydraSource Shampoo for extra moisture and hydration. Use once weekly in place of BiolageHydraSource Conditioning Balm. Recommended for dry hair.
Q: I love my hair colour but I feel like it fades so quickly. What haircare should I be using?
Reach for the
All the team that have colour @colabella use this. Your at-home haircare can make a huge difference to the longevity of your colour. Using Biolage Colorlast Pack weekly will help diminish dullness and lock in your colour so it lasts longer. With nourishing extracts of orchid and apricot seeds, it will help your strands look and feel healthier. Stick to a weekly ritual with Colorlast and you can expect up to 90% more nourished hair. Again smells fab good enough to eat....but don't !!! 🙂
ColorLast Multi Use Hair Mask for instant gratification and total hair transformation. Highly concentrated in caring agents for healthier-feeling hair with each use.
No more cold-water rinses or skipping shampoos to stretch out color vibrancy.
Immediately after using this treatment, hair is 3X stronger with up to 70% less breakage.
This powerful hair mask prevents damaged, tangled ends and dull, faded color. Vegan formula and highly concentrated in plant-based emollients. Orchid and apricot seeds help color-treated hair retain moisture and help strengthen hair follicles.
Small but mighty, each pack contains at least four applications. Easy to squeeze, our packs are 77% lighter than a container of the same size and perfectly sealed for a fresh application each time.
Key Benefits:
• Maintains and restores all types of color-treated hair for shiny, vibrant results
• Vegan formula
• Light, easy to squeeze packaging
• 77% lighter than a container of the same size
Apply to wet hair and leave in 3-5 minutes. Rinse thoroughly. We recommend that you use the Biolage ColorLast Deep Treatment after cleansing with Biolage ColorLast Shampoo for extra color protection. Use once weekly in place of Biolage ColorLast Conditioner. Recommended for color-treated hair.
Tip: No need to use conditioner, our highly concentrated formulas result in hair feeling more manageable and easier to detangle it is used in place of the conditioner.
March 2019
A little bit about us

February 2019
Full Density
We have had many fabulous results with this product range. It is formulated for clients that are concerned about hair thinning and hair loss.
Formulated with Biotin, Zinc PCA and Gluco-Omega blend
An innovation in hair care thickening treatments, the L'Oréal Professional Stemoxidine Regimen works on a spectrum of fronts to help promote full, healthy hair: works under the skin to help promote hair growth, gently cleans the scalp and works on the surface of the hair fibre to improve hair strength and fullness.
The Stemoxydine system for hair loss and thinning hair is for men & women.
Stemoxydine has proved in many clinical trials that it awakens dormant stem cells and produces increased numbers of follicles and also increased hair density.
Each full set of the range should last about 6-12 weeks if used wisely.
One little glass bottle of scalp therapy lasts me 4-6 uses, the info says use the whole bottle but i don't think that much is needed.
It encourages dormant hair sitting under the scalp to push through.
Around each hair follicle sits a band of keratin even though hair is made of keratin, due to lots of reasons like stress, pregnancy,illness poor diet and chemicals. For some reason this band of keratin goes hard & blocks the hair from growing through the scalp. The products soften the keratin so enabling the hair to then grow through.
By the 3 month stage a significant spurt of new hair should come through
But the first thing clients have noticed is they loose a lot less hairs.
It provides the optimal scalp environment for growth.
All the full density range contains Biotin & Zinc and the small scalp therapy bottles contain Stemoxydine.
Zinc is a vital mineral for healthy hair, skin and nails.
Biotin is also a nutrient that helps with more than our hair, it helps to keep us looking young as it plays a vital role in cell growth, this vitamin also reinforces hair strength to help protect the outer cuticle from heat and wear and tear damage.
It plays a major part in maintaining the health of our hair
Wet hair apply 10p size of shampoo to your hands, distribute over the hair and scalp and do your usual shampoo routine, rinse the shampoo, this has now gently cleansed but a second round of shampoo may be needed to fully remove follicle clogging and leave it feeling squeaky clean. But just use the size of a 20p or for the guys the size of a 5p for the 2nd round of the shampoo process.
Impurities are removed which instantly make hair look shiny.
No ugly chemicals doing the cleansing only top grade ingredients.
As its a very concentrated product not much needed at all but any one with long hair will need to use aprox the size of a 50p
Once the shampoo is rinsed out squeeze dry the hair, then apply conditioner, for best results massage into the scalp and then comb through the smooth the outer cuticle of the hair, this is then rinsed out. Towel dry the hair by squeezing & not rubbing the hair as this ruffles up the otter cuticle of the hair.
The cuticle of the hair is too small for the fingers to make any difference so as mentioned use a comb this makes a massive difference...
• Breakage reduced
• Fortifies hair
• Removes follicle-clogging impurities
• Dormant hair follicles stimulated
The follicle booster is a leave in scalp therapy...
Apply onto hair beginning at scalp in sections. Massage gently at roots and work through ends. Do not rinse. For maximum thickening results, allow to dry then reapply. Style as usual. For maximum performance, use the system of Shampoo and Conditioner to significantly reduce breakage for fuller-looking, thicker-feeling hair.
The Spray Treatment works on hair's surface to increase the diameter of existing strands by up to 9%, for fuller-looking, thicker-feeling hair.
Apply to hair before drying comb or massage through and then style as normal, this product can be reapplied on dry hair if needed in between washes to style.
The products impart a light weight covering to each hair strand, nourishing and fortifying hair for more body and shine.
For best results we recommend to use the full system of the products. Dipping in and out with one product wont be beneficial to results that you will get with using the full system. It cuts down damage by 60% so as well as encouraging growth and can also stop you loosing hair through breakage and shedding.
January 2019
Skin Testing & Colour Correction
Question ? why risk your life by not having a skin allergy test before you have a hair colour?
100’s of people do everyday.
I’m going to tell you a true story…
In 2005 just out of the blue after having hair tint since I was in my 20’s
BOOM!!! anaphylaxis. From no where, I went from salon Stylist director/colourist to severe allergy to hair tint.
Not able to have hair colour, not able to apply it even with gloves on.
Not able to breathe in the PPD molecule without being blue lights rushed to hospital.
That is still the case but I take permanent anti allergy tablets to even be in the work environment.
Luckily I was rushed to New Cross Hospital A&E and they did a sterling job of saving my life…
From that point, even though it was not yet a legal requirement Colabella became very strict about skin testing.
It has probably lost us thousands and thousands of lost revenue over the years but our clients safety is paramount to us.
all the images were found on line and there are many more so take a look before you risk you health...
December 2018
Sleep Disturbances
At least 50% of us in the UK struggle to sleep and many get less than the recommended sleep. There is new research that shows scientists are finding evidence that how our bodies respond to and how stress links in with our sleeping patterns.
Stress and a lack of sleep are a Catch-22 situation, so dealing with them in the right way is important. Not getting enough sleep can exacerbate any stress we are experiencing, and being under stress can cause difficulty sleeping. The key is to get into a routine that will allow us to relax at home leading up to bedtime and in turn provide the downtime our body and mind needs to enable us to better handle stress factors. Our country is becoming so sleep-focused it’s even now becoming common to wear pyjamas in public! one thing I've not yet done but hey ho you can never say never:) Anything that can help us relax and wind down before we begin a bedtime routine helps to train the brain to expect sleep after a similar set of routines. My problem is if i over think it i start to think I'm not going to sleep even before iv tried. I have been an insomniac for years but slowly I've built in methods of coping and getting into good habits to combat it. Having fibromyalgia has not helped but again through changes in diet exercise and routines I've managed to improve my own sleep pattern. Starting a night-time routine will also have benefits in your daily life, which can only have positive effects for us.
Heading to bed with “To Do” lists going around your mind and thinking over the day’s thoughts and worries is a recipe for disaster where sleep is concerned. Broken sleep can be as bad as not sleeping at all, and commonly it can be the thoughts going around in your head or just constantly waking up to check the time that may be the problem. It’s hard to relax and actually enjoy a long stint of sleep when you’re worried about how much sleep you are getting.
Reading is a calming activity — or maybe head to a yoga class after work? anything that helps you unwind.
Technology plays havoc with people’s home life. I try to ditch the devices an hour or two before bed. Not only is it a struggle to switch off from work, but being on them stops the simple art of conversation with my hubby chit chatting can be a relaxing activity in itself.
Falling asleep during meetings, yawning during the day, a lack of sleep has a negative effect on our work quality and productivity. It’s generally accepted that adults should have at least seven hours sleep a night, but 4 in 10 people are actually failing to achieve this.
Going without sleep for one night causes the same changes in the brain as a knock to the head — emphasising how important it really is. Without sleep, the ability to make decisions, focus on tasks and alertness levels are all affected. Studies find that six hours sleep a night for more than two weeks can have a positive effect on our cognitive performance and I'm sure thats got to be good. Diet can help with good sleep here are a few food & drinks that can help with sleep disturbances
1 Almonds.
2 Turkey.
3 Chamomile Tea
4 Kiwi.
5 Tart Cherry Juice.
6 Fatty Fish.
7 Walnuts.
8 Passionflower Tea.
Keep good routines
Exercise regularly – they’ll feel great and it’ll help them sleep (just try not to do it before bed!)
• • •
Get into a routine of sleeping for seven to nine hours each night
Turn off technology and screens before bed
Avoid caffeine and alcohol in the evening — these stimulants increase how many times they wake up during the night
November 2018
That un done look
We all love a sleek, tight bun, smart sharp yes you know the one...but sometimes you just want to ease up and go a more relaxed route, the look that says done but not done !
Problem is, a lot of people try to create an undone look and the hair sort of just comes undone. If its too loose it wont hold, if its too tight you aint getting that un done look.
But there’s a secret little trick I’ve been using for the last 20 years and it has always helped me get that perfectly imperfect look with little to no effort.
Every time I put one of these undone hairstyles on my pages I get lots of likes and comments.
Well, let me tell you the easiest trick in the book...
Start by giving the hair a little hold and texture. The more texture and support the better when it comes to undone looks.
Wash hair using shampoo methods found in previous blogs.
Rough dry the hair with no brush, just your fingers.
Once hair is dry I prep hair with dry shampoo & some Matrix Height Riser .(PS: I also love it) we retails this in the colabella branches but if your not a colabella client you can buy on line...
THE TRICK: Tie a small clear band towards the ends of your hair and use it as your anchor. Leave out whatever amount you want to appear to have fallen out.
In other words, if you want just a little bit of fall out, put the elastic more toward the ends of your hair.
If you want it to look more like the ponytail you’d put the elastic up a little higher, leaving out more hair.
Once the elastic is in place, twist your bun and pin it in place but let the tail part drop out.
You’ll use the small clear elastic as your anchor to keep the whole thing from falling apart. You still pin around the bun as you normally would but this allows you to have those pieces drop down and not have your entire bun unravel.
E mail me your messy bun looks to info@colabella.co.uk
Best look gets a wash & finish free of charge as a treat from us...
October 2018
Colour Sync by Matrix-L’oreal
Known in the industry as tone on tone colour, demi colour or quasi
Formulated with 2X the ceramides.
Colour Sync fills damaged gaps in the hair fibre to create an even canvas very conditioning and it can last up to 20 shampoos. If using the matrix range.
- It has a ceramide conditioning ingredients that condition and reconstruct hair
- It is a great introduction to colour if you do not want a permanent colour
- It helps to rebalance porosity of the hair helping to keep it strong
- It is shine intensive so hair has a brilliant shine
- It covers up to 50 to 60 % grey hair
- It has no ammonia
- The application of sync which has natural ceramides helps damaged hair to be improved by softening the scale of the hair cuticleApplication of sync to damaged hair produces immediate improvement in the strength and appearance of the hair.The scales of the hair cuticle hold the hair together, which in healthy hair results in smooth and lustrous hair.
In damaged hair, the ceramides are missing and results in dull, coarse and dry hair. This will cause the hair to break or split more easily
It is a great introduction to colour as does not leave bold root re-growth Hair condition and shine is improved
It’s Ideal for gents just starting to go grey and don’t want a colour to look obvious
There is a clear tone that just adds all the ceramide benefit and shine but does not give any colour change
Colour Sync a great way to start your hair colour journey...ask your stylist
September 2018
Top 10 tips to get the best from your hair salon
The consultation is an important part of your hair appointment, if we spend 10-15 minutes talking about what you fancy having done, the 45 minutes we allow for a restyle cut & finish will soon be eaten up so it’s always a good idea to have some images with you or on your phone etc.
A tidy up cut & finish is a 30 minute slot if you are thinking of adding on curls, plaits or hair art let your salon know when you book your appointment in advance as its a complete additional time slot so then they can allow the extra time.
Arrive 5 or 10 minutes early & look through our style book selection.
If you are having a major change book in specifically for a free consultation before your appointment.
At colabella as at many other salons we offer this free service and it is well worth taking the time out to come and see us specially if its a special occasion, then both you and your stylist or beauty therapist know what time is needed.
If you are in your lunch break or in a hurry.....Please let some one know when you arrive, it only takes one client before you arriving late and our schedule is down. If we know you are in a hurry we will do our best to avoid further delay for you.
Most professionals charge a cancellation fee of from £10 right up to the full cost of the service. Its never nice to apply these charges but sadly much revenue is lost when a client does not give 24 hours notice to cancel.
As a family business we always do our best to be reasonable but do try to give notice to your chosen salon if you do need to cancel. Most busy salons have a waiting list where we can fill that slot rather than loose precious time.
If you arrive late this means the stylist will be running late for the rest of the day. We are sure you have had it happen to you where you arrive on time but you do not get started for 20 minutes, the simple reason for this is due to an earlier client arriving late or not being able to decide on the style they would like to have.
If you feel your hair is in need of a deep conditioning hair treatment call ahead or ask at reception as soon as you arrive. We can then let you know if there is time for one. It’s a great pick me up for your hair but it does add time to your appointment slot so its good for us to know as soon as you arrive
Adding one on, sometimes it’s possible to add an extra one, for example if you have your child with you or a friend that is not booked in. You can always phone ahead to check this and we may then offer you an alternate time. It can disappoint to clients if they are refused and most salons will always do their best. If you have not called ahead ask as soon as you arrive and make this request.
It has been a legal requirement now for many years to skin/patch test colour clients and beauty clients having lashes or facial tint.
At Colabella we are a
Matrix/ L’Oreal salon and have a client passport system that covers you for one year as long as we coloured your hair last and within the last 6 months. You will be asked a list of questions then asked to sign what is known as a client passport. Its good to know this procedure in case you have not come across it before.
Try not to over expect from some services
Its a stylist dilemma they have never seen the clients hair before and then presents a client with long thick or curly hair and an image thats a complete re cut 😮 MISSION IMPOSSIBLE, even a seasoned stylist as me with more years under my belt than I care to divulge (43 actually ha ha) yes so even with some one with much experience it really is asking for too much. Yes we would give it our best shot but just save your self and your stylist the stress by booking in for the correct time slot for the service you need. If it is classed as a cut and not just dead ends most salons will suggest for you to have it washed as dry trims are only for split ends & not really for styling hair.
Its the one area where client satisfactions can easily be lost as the stylist cannot show you how to dress and style your hair if they are not able to wash cut and dry it for you and definitely don't book in for a dry cut if you are having more than the very ends cut off only.
Most salons will only work on clean hair with no products in it and if its long hair it must not have been in a band or tied up.
See the right person; stylists all have different strengths, some in all aspects and some in just up styles or wedding hair.
When you book ask the question, which stylists would best suit what you are thinking of having done. No
August 2018
Colour Express... Salon Service
We totally get that some days you don't need the full salon finish and so you get tempted to throw on that box dye !!!
Disaster strikes...at best its not the colour you hoped for, at worst it breaks off at the root ! sounds drastic but its what we see on a regular basis.
We see this more than you could imagine and then its a slog back for you and us to get your hair back to the pre disaster condition and colour. It costs 4 times as much than if you had just had the salon serve done in the first place.
There are other reasons we know why its easy to throw on that box dye and it’s not only time we understand this.
There is the price factor as well to stay salon based for your hair colour but we think this service will really reach out on all the above factors...
So what we have created is a new salon service that we hope will hep to combat this box dye temptation.
If you are short on time and do not need a Wash Cut & Finish you can now book in just for your root colour at a greatly reduced price...
And if you want the cut & finish on the mid week days we have rolled out a lovely offer for our regular clients.
I’ll give you a heads up on price but it may need to be tweaked for certain jobs...
Short/Med Hair...roots tinted no cut & just blasted dry from For same service and to include cut & full salon finish
Med to Long Hair...roots tinted no cut & just blasted dry from For same service and to include cut & full salon finish
£25.95* £45.95*
£35.95* £55.95*
For full head colour on this salon express service just add £10.00 to each of the above prices
You can see how it makes regular salon colour services a great deal and will take the stress out of you trying to keep on top of your roots.
Q.Same Stylists?
Q.Same Products?
Ask at hair salon reception or your stylist for more details
*Valid on Tuesday & Wednesday & some times by text offer if you are on the text register
and you must have up to date skin test or client passport not valid on your first colour visit @colabella but can be used there after...
July 2018
Choose the best cut for your face shape
We often get asked what will suit my fcae shape and yes there is a rule of thumb but that does not mean you cannot try any look you fancy... Its how you rock out a look some times and so don't be worried to try something new...
If your face is Oval
You can choose almost any cut you want but keep in mind that very long or very short styles may accentuate a long face. To create the illusion of more width, have a fringe, if naturally wavy or you have a perm, dry hair with some bounce. A chin length bob will also add fullness.
If your face if Round
Choose a cut that hangs below the chin or a very short style with layers. Either way, wispy pieces that fall around the cheek bones and chin will de-emphasize fullness.
Parting the hair on the side and styling with height on the crown can add length to the face.
If your face is Square
Choose face framing cuts to counter the harshness of the chin and jaw. If hair is long have layers cut into it starting at jaw length and getting longer towards the back.
If going short have choppy cuts. Avoid any blunt cuts including square bobs or straight fringes
If your face is Heart shaped
Choose either a thick choppy cut that is full on the top or a longer style with layers that start at the cheekbones and graduate down-ward. I
f you have a fringe it is best worn brushed to one side
Have a great hair day
June 2018
Something for the guys...lets talk beards
So its been a while now that you guys have been sporting more facial hair than since back in the 1970 somethings...
And there comes a time in every man's life when he decides to grow facial hair and see, just out of curiosity how he looks with a beard.
If this is you right now, then welcome to the club!
Well not my club 🙂 but for sure the colabella men... its a good look if you can carry it off.
If I’m honest its an acquired taste and I have not aquarium it but hey ho i know a lot of the ladies that do...
So if you are in with the thousands of guys that have retired their razor for while you may be learning that growing a beard requires a routine all its own.
For starters, you'll still need that razor for some neckline cleanups or leave it to us with a regular beard tidy appointment.
Few things to think about...
You need to consider the type of beard that fits your style. Look in the mirror at your face: What shape is it? Your beard should make your face look as oval as possible. So, if you've got a square or circular face as wide as it is long then grow a beard that adds a little length, keeping the sides trim. If you've got an oblong or rectangular face longer than it is wide, with less graduation than someone with an oval face then you don't want to add much length to the beard and grow it any longer. Instead, grow the sides fuller to detract from the length; this will make things feel more symmetrical. Not all hairs grow at the same rate, plus you'll want to grow it fuller in some parts than in others taking your face shape into account.
Once your beard starts looking unkempt after it's full enough in the cheeks and chin time to take a beard comb or brush and direct the hairs against the grain, making them stand out.
This will make it easiest to trim them evenly, and will expose which parts of the beard have grown longest or fastest.
Don't forget the rest of your beard will require regular trimming, too. Your barbers (Ren & Blake) colabella barber duo can help you out with all you need to know...
Both the guys are fab but the best skilled person in the colabella team for all this info is Ren Colabella he has sported a beard way before the tend came back so if you need advice he is your man.
Trim them as desired if you have got the skill or again ask our guys to groom you up when your having your next hair cut.
If you are adding a beard tidy in with your hair appointment do mention when you book so we can add extra time to the booking...

April 2018
Eye Health
As we age most of us will have a change in the level of our eye sight. I'm sure any of you around my age find you selves reaching for those specs you have thrown here there and everywhere.
At the back of the eye is an area known as the retina which is responsible for our vision. The centre part of the retina is known as the macula. This is the area of the eye where approximately 90% of our vision is mediated from.
The macula is protected by a coloured pigment that almost acts as sun glasses or a sun screen for the eye. It blocks harmful UV rays and is most definitely a key factor to having good eye site.
Iritis is a painful eye condition that can be supported by having a good source of
Omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish oil, may lower inflammation and boost the immune system. Cold-water fish, such as salmon or halibut and other oily fish are good sources.
You may have heard or come across the term MACULA DEGENERATION. This can be caused just by old age and then known as "age related macula degeneration".
There are other reasons for this change to the Macula so good eye health is important. Regular eye tests and being aware of any changes you may have to your vision.
As with any other part of our body, good nutrition pays a vital part in good eye health.
The pigment that protects the Macula can be boosted by eating foods that provide 3 key properties that factor into boosting the pigment around the Macula.
A few of these foods are...
Leafy green spinach
Butternut squash
Bright red & yellow peppers
The yellow yoke of eggs
These increase the levels of 3 key chemicals in our blood
They then make their way through our blood to the macula and improve our eyesight.
The other really interesting thing that has been found in studies, relating to the pigment strengthening, is that the people that have higher levels of the macula pigment have better cognitive performance. This may mean that people with the lower levels have more risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.
So either way eating healthy and looking after your eye health is a win win situation.
Hope you enjoyed my little nutrition blog and all have a great hair & health day ✨
March 2018
Hair cleansing and shampoo information
When I train our team even if they are qualified the first thing i start with is a bit about how to advise and guide clients on washing their own hair. Over the years i have heard some funny and crazy methods of doing what would seem a straight forward thing.
Choosing a good product that works well for your hair type is key. Ask your stylist to suggest the best for you. The supermarkets are a mine field and we have the knowledge about hair type and style you choose so ask us its free to ask. If the salon you use does not retail products then ask them anyway what would be best for your hair type. Most of us are passionate about hair and its easy to talk hair all day to us.
Wash your hair under a running flow of water preferably in the shower or with your head over the bath do not use excessively hot water warm water is ideal.
Do not wash your hair or rinse your hair in stale bath water it will not get rid of any residue in fact it will add more and be likely to leave it dull looking or cause it to go greasy.
Work the shampoo into lather by gentle circular massage including the scalp do not rub as this will cause tangles and damage to your hair and roughen up the cuticle. Also draw the shampoo down to the ends of the hair as this area can get neglected and then appear dull.
Wash your hair once if it is clean and you are just refreshing it twice if you wash your hair once or twice a week. Try to avoid washing your hair every day as natural oils are lost we suggest you just rinse and condition in between shampoos if it is just a habit to wash it each time you shower. Greasy hair will get more greasy with the over washing as the massage will stimulate more oil out onto the scalp.
During the conditioning stage only apply to the root area if your hair is very thick dry or in need of moisture. Use a comb to comb the product through as this helps to flatten the cuticle stopping it from splitting and leaving it with a more glossy look. If your hair is fine keep product away from the root area and use a small amount on the mid lengths and ends.
Always rinse really well paying attention to the scalp area also really get your fingers in there to loosen all the product out as it will leave hair looking dull if it has not been rinsed enough.
Try to choose a professional salon range as the quality and ingredients are superior to other brands and many do not contain parabens, sulphates and silicone, which can cause uneven colour and colour fade. The amount of product you need with Salon ranges is minimal on short hair the size of a 5p and on longer hair the size of a 20p coin. It works out more cost effective than using half a handful of cheaper products, so goes the saying “buy cheap buy twice” 🙂
If you have had a colour or a perm try not wash your hair for four days after the service, a week is even better and your salon service will last longer. At colabella we will guide you on how many days to wait before you shampoo.
For further information please ask a member of staff who will be happy to design a care programme for your hair needs
February 2018
Hair Toner
What is a hair toner? And what does it do?
Beautify Your Hands with Nail Extensions
Instant beauty for your fingertips
When you can't seem to grow your natural fingernails effectively, or you want instantly beautiful look at your fingertips, you can always choose the acrylic or gel nail extensions option, which is basically an artificially-created set of fingernails pasted or glued onto your real ones.
Yes they're artificial but they do look great and they can increase a woman's confidence in her appearance from the minute the technician finishes applying them. As a hairstylist i don't have them that often only special occasions but it gives you that lovely feel good groomed feeling. Over the years at colabella we have tried and tested many systems and brands. There is not a lot between them and they all were only ever made as a temp thing but people do keep them on indefinitely and if that suits you thats all good...
Professional nail technicians hate the word "fake" when referring to acrylic or gel nails because they take pride in their work and don't like for it to be disparaged. Many people have nails applied for special occasions such as when they are attending a wedding or getting married themselves. Others do it so that they will stop biting their own nails. Once they are rid of the habit, they can consider going back to natural.
Acrylic nails are applied in salons, in a two-part system comprising a liquid called a monomer and a powder known as a polymer. As a well-informed customer, it's important to check that the liquid being used contains EMA (Ethyl Methacrylate) and not MMA (Methyl Methacrylate) which is cheaper but known to cause side effects such as mild to serious skin reactions and abnormalities in the growth of the natural nail beneath.
After a consultation you will be asked to sanitise your hands and our team member will also sanitise her/his own hands.
The cleansing renders skin up to 99% free of surface pathogens and all our implements are clean and sanitised before application begins.
You will be asked about your lifestyle, the kinds of activities you regularly enjoy and the style and shape of the nails you would like. Acrylic nails are not usually applied too long because they can break and crack, thus requiring visits to the salon for repair work. While your new nails are being applied, you'll be given home care tips and you can decide when your maintenance appointments should be. As your natural nails continue to grow, your artificial ones will grow out with them so they will need to be maintained and "filled" back to the cuticle on a regular basis to keep them looking attractive.
The application process begins with a mini manicure, during which your natural nails will be trimmed and filed back and your cuticles trimmed. Then the surface of your nails will be filed to create roughness, which will help the nails to better adhere to your own. The entire process takes from an hour to 60 to 90 minutes. During this time, you will notice some strong fumes from the products. This is normal.
You will emerge from the salon with perfect looking nails painted with a colour polish of your choosing.
Nail extensions be it gel or acrylic tend to be somewhat high maintenance, which is a significant drawback unless you are prepared to commit to the maintenance sessions every two weeks. For this reason, having nails applied can be costly and time consuming but if you just love the look of them and really enjoy them, these considerations may be unimportant to you. If you leave them too long the in fill process is not possible and you will need to have the full set taken off and then a new set put on which is more costly.
An in fill can be done up to 2/3 times then we do advise a full soak of and a break, or if you prefer you can have a new set put back on.
The time they last depends on how you are with them here are some do’s & don’ts that we advise our clients at colabella
Nail extensions after care
Looking after you nail extensions
A set of gel or acrylic nail extensions applied and your nails look immaculate.
So how do you take care of them without causing any damage until your next appointment?
Here is a list of nail extension aftercare top tips to ensure your nails look their best well after you have left the salon.
▪ In general, be careful when doing things so you don’t damage your nail extensions and ultimately damage your natural nail. If you have gel or acrylic extensions, be gentle for the first 24 – 48 hours after they are applied. It takes time for the bonding process to be completed but even after that you must remember its an artificial tip its not a tool to use like it was before the tip went on.
▪ Protect your nails by using gloves when doing housework and garden work. Or don't do either, as daft as it sounds any of that sort of activity can ping the nail off but this will protect the them a
▪ Stay away from heat and fire, this may cause your nail extensions to melt, also don't soak
in the bath with hands in the water keep your hands out this will lift & loosen the nail tip making it easier for them to ping off.
▪ Use cuticle oil every evening. Cuticle oil will nourish the nail resulting in a stronger natural nail and stop cuticles becoming dry.
▪ Do not pick off your nail extensions as this will remove the top layer of your natural nail, compromising its health and quality and always have your nail extensions professionally removed in salon to prevent damage. We suggest having a manicure after removal to tidy the nail, clean the nail bed and generally have the nail looking in better shape.
▪ Attend regular manicure maintenance appointments we can then advise you if they just need an in fill or a new set or a total break to give the natural nail a rest.

Hello 2018
January 2018
Happy new year and in three words. Bold. Creative. Beautiful.
It’s the start of the year, and the pressure is on us stylist to bring into salon new styles new looks and just to start things right on track.
Whatever happened in 2017 is history, and we’re starting on a clean slate.
Time to break a sweat to lose all the holiday food-munching, time to make that career change, time to pursue your passion, time to spend quality time with the people you love, time to save money and cut on expenses.
PHEW!!!! its all a bit much...
These are all bold steps, and we may all have one or two that we want to accomplish this year but pace your self...
Why not firstly come get yourself a brand new hair look for 2018. A kick-ass style to jumpstart the new you.
Consultations are free so call us and book in and we can step you through whats hot and whats not
happy new hair day..
September 2017
Training sessions
Why be a salon training model?...
Well there is the perk of the heavily discounted price and also they are mostly done during evening sessions, so if having your hair done during the day is difficult this could be a good solution.
We always need models for our in salon training session, its a great way to get a salon service at a fraction of the price.
Don’t be scared each cut or colour is supervised from the moment its started right though to the finish.. The types of models we need vary from session to session but the sort of sessions we hold are listed.
Long hair models for up styles
Client does not need to have hair cut, hair needs to be at least shoulder length and clean when they arrive at salon.
Anything goes models for re-styles
Client needs to be at the complete discretion of stylist, the stylists will talk through what they are going to do to the client on the day, hair will be washed cut and dried
Nail art
client will need to already have set of clear nail extensions for nail art to be applied by qualified staff member that needs speed and nail art practice...
If you feel this could be for you then please contact the salon or speak to us next time you are in the salon it will be our pleasure to explain what models we need for the next training session..
August 2017
Foods that increase your metabolism
How so...
They do so as eating them requires extra energy for your body to digest them
Iron, Zinc & Selenium-Rich Foods. How so...
All three are required for the proper function of your thyroid gland, which regulates your metabolism
Chili Peppers. How so...
Capsaicin, a chemical found in chilli peppers can boost your metabolism by increasing the number of calories and fat you burn
Coffee. How so...
Studies report that the caffeine found in coffee can help increase metabolic rate by up to 11%
In fact, six different studies found that people who consume at least 270 mg of caffeine daily, or the equivalent of about three cups of coffee, burn an extra 100 calories per day
Also caffeine may also help your body burn fat for energy and seems especially effective at boosting your workout performance
Green Tea. How so...
The combination of caffeine and catechins that's found in tea can work to boost your metabolism.
In particular, both oolong and green tea can increase metabolism by 4–10%. This could add up to burning an extra 100 calories per dayIn addition, oolong and green teas may help your body use stored fat for energy more effectively, increasing your fat-burning ability by up to 17%
Legumes and Pulses. How so...
Foods such as lentils, peas, chickpeas, beans and peanuts, are particularly high in protein compared to other plant foods.
Studies show that their high protein content requires your body to burn a greater number of calories to digest them, compared to lower-protein foods
Legumes also contain a good amount of dietary fibre, such as resistant starch and soluble fibre which your body can use to feed the good bacteria living in your intestines
In turn, these friendly bacteria produce short-chain fatty acids, which may help your body use stored fat as energy and maintain normal blood sugar level
Metabolism-Boosting Spices. How so...
Certain spices are thought to have particularly beneficial metabolism-boosting properties ginger powder in hot water and drinking it with a meal may help you burn up to 43 more calories than drinking hot water alone Grains of paradise, another spice in the ginger family, may have similar effects. Similarly, adding cayenne pepper to your meal may increase the amount of fat your body burns.
Cacao How so...
Studies have found that cocoa and cocoa extracts may promote the expression of genes that stimulate the use of fat for energy. One study suggests that cocoa may help the action of enzymes necessary to break down fat and carbs during digestion...
July 2017
Indian Head Massage
There is no better down time than having some hands on therapy for yourself....i love it !
These days most salons have a treatment room and its a great way to multi task while your in salon.
Some clients even get their root colour put on or a hair conditioning treatment and then we wrap it up and send them off for a divine half hour treatment, while we keep an eye on the time and go to collect them when the tint time is ready.
Thats not for everyone but a lot of clients find themselves time short these days so they get to double up on services...
Complementary Therapies are natural forms of healing and are not an alternative to orthodox medicine but work alongside it to help various conditions. Helping the body to heal itself and promote a feeling of well- being.
Indian Head Massage can bring about a feeling of calmness, relaxation and a higher level of alertness and concentration.
The massage increases nourishment and oxygen to the scalp and hair follicle which in turns stimulates hair growth.
Indian Head Massage stimulates and improves lymphatic drainage and blood flow to the neck.
It also helps with the dispersal of toxins. It is fab for knotted muscles whilst stimulating and improving circulation and the lymphatic systems.
It can take as little as 10 minutes for the sitting up service but lasts about 30-40 minutes if you choose to have the lying down with the use of oils version.
With the sitting version you do not need to undress so it is ideal for those who do not like to get oil on their skin or are allergic to oils and is beneficial to those who find it difficult to lie down as it is performed in a sitting position.
Which ever option you try this is one of my fave treatments so give it a try and enjoy...
June 2017
Holiday hair
Pack the conditioner and the leave in treatment spray...
Sun, sea and sand may leave us with a glowing tan, but it can suck the moisture out of our locks, leaving them dry and damaged. So before you go, be sure to book in with your salon and ask for a deep-conditioning treatment to put essential moisture into your hair. This will keep it looking glossy and gorgeous all holiday long...The Biolage range is a great holiday hair product as well as having UV filters it will take away and nasty pool chemicals.
Pre Holiday Trim...
To keep hair in tip-top condition, have any split ends trimmed before you go away...While you are in ask us about the best products for your hair and styling needs. Bring in your current products and we will give you big thumbs up or down to guide you for your next purchse.
Easy Beautiful Beach Hair...
Keep your mane manageable with these simple on-trend tips. Begin by spritzing leave in conditioning spray onto your hair, then take strands and braid into a French plait; finally tuck the ends under and secure. If it’s short spray it in and slick it back. Pop your sunglasses on and you’re good to go...The non snag magi bobble hair bands are the best to use for tying up hair, either at home or on holiday as you can wrap them as tight as you like and they do not snag or split hair. Ask at reception.
Top tip: Don’t forget to pack hair products that include UV filters to shield your strands from sun damage! Ask your stylist for products to suit your hair, why guess at the supermarket when you can get expert advice and products from your salon...
Moisture Moisture Moisture...
Book in for a post holiday treatment, remember if you are an existing client you only pay £5 instead of £15 for a salon intensive hair treatment...Your stylist will choose the best one for your hair. It will put some shine back into your hair, the moisturising recovery treatments rehydrate your hair and your scalp, and they are shine-enhancing and seal hair cuticles, giving your hair a healthy glow.