Happy December
With all the negative press and doom and gloom being flashed around in the media, it can really get you down.
In salon we are keeping positive and optimistic that just like other things we will get through the difficulties and good times will follow and with Christmas around the corner it’s time to spread some cheer. ❤️
We have a fab count down to Christmas on our social media so keep checking back to see what’s new each day. Some days it’s information some days offers and some days free little goodies and don’t forget to like and share to be in the free raffle each month. Last month we gave away gift vouchers, gel manicures and sun bed sessions. It takes a second to do and it helps us in many ways.
Let’s talk hair…
Christmas time rushing around along with the winter weather does cause some common issue with our hair, maybe dryness, dullness, tangles, breakage and what may seem like no growth. It’s true our hair is like the seasons and does slow down in growth during the winter months.
Below are 3 Quick Tips For Winter Weather Hair Care.
- Trim Those Ends – this will help keep them strong along the base which stops fraying and unnecessary breakages. Yes even if you are growing it, the biggest reason for not achieving length is base line breakage.
- Always apply conditioner and comb through AFTER you have towel dried your hair, wash hair soon as you get in shower so conditioner can stay on a little longer while you shower.
- Use heat protection when you dry & style your hair, section and comb products through as you would with the conditioner don’t just spray and style. Spray – Comb – Style. This way you give the best protection to heat and other influences like the cold or in door heating.
Three easy little tips that which make all the difference.
Hair Colour Changes…Is your skin test up to date?
This is the time of year when salons are busy and bustling, be mindful if you are thinking of a big colour change. When you call to book let us know this as we will need you to pop in for a consultation, strand test and fresh skin test.
We hate to disappoint but if you book in for a colour then on the day want a complete change it may not be possible.
When calling have your debit card to hand as we will need a deposit.
If you need to change the time or day of your appointment we require 48 hours notice due to rotas and business needs.
Feeling like a lazy day ?
We have our Friday Blow Bar offer running through December
Wash condition dry & style
short hair. £16.95
collar length £17.95
Shoulder £19.95
Very long £24.95
Hope you enjoy all the offers and ideas for gifts in our advent event and have a great December
Anna x
November 2022 blog
There is more to great hair than just hair products…
If you are a regular blog reader you will have read previous blogs over the years about nutrition. I qualified in nutritional therapy about 10 years ago, initially it was to best help navigate my own journey through health and allergies.
It has become a great conversation point when I’m behind the chair in work at the salon.
I don’t have time these days to do consultation and nutrition advice clinics like I used to but if you have met me in salon I’m sure you have heard me trying to educate any one with a listening ear about eating well.
I always say there is more to great hair than just products and it’s true.
You are what you eat and so the more you can aim to eat food in its natural form the better for digestion, absorption and elimination ( never a pleasant topic) 🙂
There is no need to get fixated but you can if you wish, I say try to make healthy choices and eat a wide variety of vegetables, fruit, pulses legumes. I personally am a pescatarian so I eat some fish but no meat.
For me my body operates better. You can test and try what works for you.
A Mediterranean diet…
Know for living long lives the Mediterranean’s eat well. Their diet has been noted as being one of the healthiest to live by.
My own nonna (Nan) was 105 when she passed.
A typical Mediterranean diet includes lots of vegetables, fruits, beans, cereals and cereal products, for example wholegrain bread, pasta and brown rice. It also contains moderate amounts of fish, meat but often white meat and some dairy.

It’s the combination of all these elements that seems to bring health benefits. A big part of a Mediterranean diet is the use of healthy fats. Olive oil, which is a monounsaturated fat, is most commonly associated with the Mediterranean diet, but polyunsaturated fats are also present in nuts, seeds and oily fish.
Research into the traditional Mediterranean diet has shown it may reduce our risk of developing conditions like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, which are all risk factors for heart disease. Researchers have also found that people who closely follow a Mediterranean diet may live a long.
Then there is the hair, you can wonder around in any Italian city and you will see great hair everywhere. From thick glossy dark blondes to dark or jet black but always bursting with shine and swagger, just like their fashion sense.
Take some time now that we are into the winter months to really focus on good all round habits, what you eat, what you drink just generally a bit self TLC.
Your body and your hair will thank you for it x
Wrap up and keep getting your steps in if nothing else it will help you keep warm 🙂

Anna x
October 2022
I thought I’d start October with some tips on our colour techniques that don’t need so much TLC every few weeks…
But I’d like to first remind you that we will be taking deposits for appointments so please have your debit card to hand when you call.
The deposit is refunded if you give us 24 hours notice to cancel or change the time of your appointment. A time change is still a loss as we cannot try to fill the slot at short notice and your stylist will be there on duty waiting for you.
In these difficult times it’s very difficult when we are having several no shows per day and when we rota in our whole team an then have several cancellations it’s just unsustainable losses for a small business…

Colour techniques:
As many of you colour clients will know roots come through with the speed of lighting. A good hair hack to stretch out colour is to have a different colour applied to the roots closer to your natural colour and this can create a contrast between highlights and your natural shade.
If you fancy something more obvious you can have another contrasting tone applied and will still allow you to go longer between your colour appointments.
Some clients prefer this as it lets their natural colour show in the root are again for a slightly lower maintenance look.
We have different ways to seamlessly blend by applying colour on the roots, with the most popular techniques being: • Root tap: A small amount of client’s natural shade is applied on the root to create a natural transition into the highlights. Perfect for clients who want to keep their highlights looking natural and like the overall lighter look. • Root smudge: Chosen root shade is applied one or two inches down to softly blend into highlights. Perfect for clients who want low maintenance and longer wait times between appointments. • Root melt: A deep-rooted look that adds depth and dimension to highlighted hair starting one inch past the highlights. Perfect for clients who want a high-contrasted blonde or brunette melt.
Another great method which I’ve spoken about and is still trending is Balayage
The balayage gives your hair natural dimension or bold definition and gives long lasting colour life, at most you may need just the toner refreshed every 6/8 weeks.
Hope those few ideas give you some tips on cost effective colour ideas.
Don’t forget, If you are thinking of a colour change make the time to book in before your colour appointment for a fresh skin test and strand tests.

We cannot always do a colour change without these tests being done.
You will also need a new skin test if you have…
Had a tattoo since your last colour
Had micro blading services
Had an allergic reaction of any kind
Had henna on your hair
Used a box dye or at home dye
Been to another salon
If it is your first colour with us…
The tests must be done 48 before your appointment, it can be over 48 hours but not under.
We offer a free consultation so if you want a chance to talk through a colour or style change before your next visit just give us a call and book your consultation appointment…
Don’t forget to wrap up and add those extra layers to save giving those scoundrels of energy companies too much of our hard earned pennies, I don’t know about you but I’m thinking thermal layers like they used to back in the day 🥰
Hugs & blessings
Anna x
Hello September
It’s not always that I shout out about how fabulous my team are but I’m feeling that today is one of those days.
I’d like to share a little about what makes us the professionals that we are at the Colabella Salons.
At colabella we operate an all around approach to provide our customers with a solution to their hair needs.
From the basics of keeping hair groomed and tidy to the extremes of crazy colours and edgy cuts.
Our on going program of learning means all of our team stays right up to date with the latest trends, we also train our staff up to advanced Level 3 qualifications.
We have a core focus of satisfaction, nurturing every client to give them the best experience we can, whilst delivering great hair or beauty services.
The industry trends change quickly and through education, products knowledge and customer service training, our team stand head and shoulders above many of our competitors.
I have operated this news blog for some years just to discuss the trends and topics that matter to us as hair and beauty professionals but also to now and again set out what we are about and how we operate in salon.
We don’t stagnate, we delve into the industry’s latest trends, while also offer expert advice to help you optimise your desired look and to share our passion for exciting new product launches or hair care such as our hair loss therapy service.
We are the only salon in the area that offers this non invasive LLLT.
By checking back each month you can stay up to date and also on a weekly basis by checking in to our face book and Instagram pages, this keeps you up to date with our world of professional hair and beauty and what’s happening in our salons.
Over years we have established our brand as a family business and our core focus of customer services is our passion! We aim to provide you our clients with salon services and satisfaction that we are very proud of.
With over 35 of professional trading years and many seasoned fully trained staff, we have everything you need to make your visit to us enjoyable.
We offer free consultations for our services and for our hair loss therapy services.

To book a free consultation or hair loss therapy consultation call our
Bilston branch on 01902 498819…
Have a great September
Anna x
August 2022
We offer specialist advice if you have concerns about hair loss at our Bilston branch.
Here is a little information about the anatomy of hair and the science relating to
…Hair loss
There are at least 46 different known types of hair loss, all of which can be quite distressing for the person experiencing it.
It is a condition that can affect any person at any time of their life.
One of the first thing to recognise the problem of hair loss is to determine the reason behind it so that it can be treated correctly.
Here is a little bit about hair and it’s life cycle.
The follicles are where each strand of hair grows from, these are located int the dermis of the skin under the scalp, hair will grow to approximately 0.92cm to 1.25cm per month.
On average there are 100 000 follicles in the scalp of most human beings and during its lifetime each follicle will can produce 20 individual hairs.
Hair is made of proteins called keratin and it is one of the strongest fibres there is and is able to stretch to 1.5 times its own length.
Hair colour, texture and density are all inherited factors.
There are 3 cycles to hair growth, anagen, catagen, telogen and telogen – exogen as it sheds away from the scalp.
In the anagen stage of the hair life cycle, the hair grows and can last anything between two to six years depending on the genetic origin of the hair.
The catagen stage lasts between two to three weeks, this is the resting stage where the hair follicle shrinks and the papilla detaches and rests by cutting off the blood supply to the hair.
The telogen stage is when the follicle sits dormant and this stage can last between one to four months.
10% of hair is in the catagen or telogen stage and the remaining 90% is actively growing in the anagen stage. This means if the scalp has the correct environment and nutrition, new hair is being continually produced to replace shedding hair.
On average most people will shed between 50 to 100 hairs per day and this is completely normal.
If due to diet, health, nutritional or environmental reasons you are losing more hairs than you are actively growing your hair will begin to thin this can take a while before you begin to notice the visible signs.
Our aim at Colabella is to stabilise hair loss, to try to improve scalp and hair health and to maintain healthy follicles that are still there.
This can be done and has been done successfully by following a treatment plan and a course of treatment designed for each individual condition.
Each client will have a specially designed treatment plan to target their area of concern.
LLLT this a non invasive laser therapy, it is used in the help reduce hair loss to encourage new follicle growth, this is available at our
BILSTON BRANCH call 01902 498819 to book free consultation session…
JULY 2022
Summer is in swing and more than ever hair maintenance is top priority to avoid damage
Here are some summer hair tips to keep your locks it top form during the summer season.
Cover up when swimming or sunbathing
If you are on holiday and in and out of the pool and sea or just walking around out in the sunshine, its a good idea to cover your hair, a baseball cap or bandana are ideal. If you don’t have one then slather your hair in conditioner or a leave in heat spray will also give protection, also avoiding hydration or UV damage.

Don’t wash your hair too much
You’ve probably heard it before yes wash your hair every day if you need to but the shampooing can strip the hair of its natural oils, which can leave it dry and damaged so try not to wash it twice a day, some people wash it morning and night and that is too much. If your on holiday you could just rinse and condition if your hair is not greasy, or just gently shampoo the root area only, as the water rinses away it gives enough freshness to the ends without out drying them out.
Conditioning your hair
Do use a conditioner its easy to skip this if you have short hair but it does help to stop scalp dryness, you should try to condition after every shampoo; the longer your hair, the more easily the ends can become dry and damaged.
Look after your scalp
A healthy head of hair starts with a healthy scalp. Don’t shampoo and condition with water that’s too hot, and turn down the heat on your hairdryer, if your scalp feels dry and itchy, use a deep conditioning treatment to replenish moisture.

Use the right products for your hair
Most product’s these days protect your hair from heat damage, if you are not sure what to use as us for advice. There are some nice summer bag sets that are a free gift and great for holidays, when buying boilge products this summer but be quick as its only until stock lasts.
Professional products go a long way
If you are using salon bought hair product a that a little goes a long way, too much of it weighs the hair down and can make it look greasy.
Keep it trimmed
Before you go away try to get those split ends off, it adds to general weakening of the hair and reduces more split ends from developing.
You may be wondering; how often should I get my hair cut, the answer is it usually depends on the style and how quickly your hair actually grows; ultimately, you know your own hair best. Typically, men’s hair needs trimming every 3-6 weeks, but this can vary. Its better to keep regular appointments and stay looking sharp rather than letting it grow wild and have a major cut every now and then.

Have a great July and don’t forget to protect your hair just as you would your skin and most of all don’t forget to drink your water for the day.
Anna x
May 2022
Extending lengths
Our social media has been buzzing a lot about hair extensions recently.
There is a great feel good factor if you have been trying to grow your hair for a couple of years to just walk out with flowing locks.
Its not just length either, they can be used on hair like my own that is very fine just to add volume but still keep the same length.
We are all about preserving the condition of your own hair when it comes to extensions, even clip ins can cause damage if used too often or are too heavy for the roots of your natural hair.
We use the least invasive on the market RAPTURE…we have tried other brands on our hair extension journey but rapture are the only ones we have full confidence in.
Its a celebrity favoured for a reason, that being no damage and if you have extensions in most of the time like celebs do its got to be a brand that can be trusted. This is what makes Rapture high in demand.
As well as no damage It’s easy to see why they are so popular… thanks to their natural look and lasting quality, they are non bulky and very comfy to wear and they cause very little negative factors to your hair.

We do offer other extensions Balmain bonded and for fast quick transformation the clip in hair extensions systems but as mentioned this is for short term use only.
All services done by appointment only and we offer a free come in and chat service if you fancy a consultation just call to book.
Other salon news on trends is pretty much as with last month…
Unisex and gents styling is staying mostly with blends and fade outs around the back and sides but with the length still around the top and crown to give that extra bit of styling option, the under cut for all sexes is still popular.
Popular products asked for mostly in salon at moment are
Matrix Total Results Mega Sleek heat protection spray, it’s light on the hair but with no greasy feel.

Another long time favourite for the short choppy crops and guys stying is
Matrix Style Link Matte Definer.

Our barber Ren rates both highly to help control styles like… The bro flow, Hard part, or sleek quiff and they won’t leave a sticky product build up.
So as we have moved away from the dark nights, that feeling of having a hair change always seems to come around so go for it and get a new look to bounce you into the new season.
Book a free consultation if you are unsure what to go for…
Have a fab May
Anna x
April 2022
Spring is springing and as we look around buds are out daffodils are in full bloom so it’s definitely time for some spring hairstyle trends.
If you’re looking to try out a fresh new style this spring, why not book a free hair consultation.
Our professional hairstylists @colabella can discuss the trends with you, get your hair colour test completed and book your appointment too.
We always say this but it makes sense to book a free consultation ahead of things if your thinking of a change, it gives you time to discuss ideas and it helps the stylist not fall behind on a busy salon day.
So, let’s check out the spring hairstyle trends for spring 2022.
To start with, one word:
The retro curly fringe is back. The great thing about getting this fresh hairstyle is that it doesn’t need to be a full transformation. It’s an edgy and on-trend style that doesn’t lose any length from your hair. The retro fringe can be a short curly fringe, a full fringe or a side swept fringe. Our hair stylists will help you choose the right fringe for you and your face.
The blunt bob and fringe combination is very popular this spring, and it’s a fabulous hair transformation, I always say a fringe gives an instant wow factor if you want a change. Ive noticed lots of celebs are opting for this ultra-chic haircut.
With this look the bob is cut at the jaw level and shouts style and sophistication. The blunt cut fringe is at eyebrow level finishes off this stunning hairstyle.
The long fringe is bangs as they are now being called is still trending and good if you fancy a little detail around the face but are not yet ready to go the whole way with a fringe.
#Bixie cut
So what is a bixie ?
The Bixie hairstyle incorporates a length that lies somewhere between a bob and a pixie.
It has feathered ends with heavy layering.
The bob in it is very shaggy while several layers add more volume to the cut.
The best thing about a bixie is that it can either be styled to look chic and smooth, or worn messed up like a “slept-in” look. It did a tour of trending in the 90’s most famously a chic version of the cut was worn by the beautiful Princess Diana, the more edgy version worn by many celebrities
When it comes to the right hair cut for you, we do hair styling for all we are non binary we just see hair and we will suggest a style that is best suited to your hair your personality and your hair routine. You may not have realised make lots of little checks when we consult with you, from the moment we see you, we listen, we look and then we advise.
Your hair style and how it looks isn’t just down to your hair, it’s down to shape of your face and your personality too. We take the time to get to know you and what you want. Do you want something classy and sophisticated, something trendy and modern or a style that is edgy that stands out and turns heads? We can then recommend styles based on of the above and your personality too.
If we are consulting on colour perm or hair straightening will also take any existing damage, split ends, length, condition and hair texture into consideration too. This will ensure that the look we go for looks and feels great for weeks to come. This will need strand tests and skin tests so mention this when you book a free consultation so we allow the correct time.
Everything else that’s happening in salon can be found and kept up with on our social media, so keep checking back on our Instagram Face book & Twitter to keep up to date…
Have a great April
Anna x
March 2022
Happy March 🙂
Things are ticking along in salon nicely and we have said bye to masks and that’s been a bit odd! who would have thought that taking them off would be as odd when we first put them on.
Like all things we have to move on and with march upon us it always feel there is a new season emerging
and with a new season comes a new season of trending hairstyle and ideas as well as the styles that just keep on giving.
The 8th of March we will be celebrating International Women’s day and what better way to celebrate than to give yourself or another loved one some pamper time. We will be launching a celebration offer so keep your eyes on our social media.

Its so often said to us as stylists “id love a complete change but” and the but is fear, fear of not liking it or it not suiting you. As stylists we know instantly if it will suit you, its what we do…
A hair style change is the fastest, easiest way to reinvent yourself and gives such a feel good factor too.
Some clients go to a new style every new season and many stick with their trusted style but switch it up with a new tending colour shade but nothing beats going for a new hairstyle if you’re in the mood for an instant transformation. Its the quickest way to get a wow factor, especially if you go radical…
Just like hair-colour trends, some of the following hairstyles have been “in” at one time or another and most of them never really went out of style at all and here they are still on trend in 2022.
The blunt bob has been super popular for some time now, and it’s easy to see why and its been one of the biggest most asked for hairstyle for the start of 2022, the bob hairstyle info matter what age you are is a very flattering, easy to maintain style and it projects a sense of glam without much effort.

Still popular is to take advantage of your hair’s natural wavy texture, if you’ve got straight locks, you can recreate this look with a hair wand and a quick tussle out with your hands once waved.
A product that I’ve always loved and tested on many hair styles and works perfect on so many styles is hair mousse.
I don’t like sticky mousse and the salon range we use is great. It works on natural curls to flat fine hair like my own hair, its so multi functional it can be forgotten but i rate it highly.
Then there is the shag, a layered 70s hairstyle with long messy fringe or as that’s now being called bangs ! Thats just American for the word fringe but its now been attached to long sweeping fringes which is fine but you know when a word grates on you…its the word BANGS for me 🙂

The shag has been enjoying something of a come back. Clients with straight hair have been turning back to soft perms to get that shaggy look.
With long hair the trend is blunt and one length no curving at the edges no layers or face framing, just blunt and sharp and we love it.
All lengths look great blunt from shoulders to waist length so if you tired of those layers book in for a cut and finish to sharpen it up.
Out and about Ive noticed that another popular hairstyles is ponytails, you can choose to keep your hair low at the nape of your neck, or high with lift at the front. Its a stunning simple look that looks elegant with either high or low ponytail choices. Just don’t wear up too many days a week or too tight as it can cause hair breakage, save it for days when your hair needs washing and the roots are a bit greasy.
There’s lots going on in salon, we have some fab mothers day pamper treatments on offer, you can treat some one to some lovely deluxe services and we have discounted them too.
We have new services…one of my favourite is the soft gel nail extensions as they are not damaging to your own nail at all.
They sit on top of your own nail with a bed of soft gel to protect your nail and they as strong and last just like acrylics.
Other new services are

At present the new services are only at our Wood Street branch.
Our services are available for everyone and if you would like a free consultation for anything mentioned just call the salon to book in.
Be good to yourselves Anna x
February 2022
It’s the month of love ❤️
Why not spend some time on yourself and your hair this month with a little pampering. We offer lots of services at our salons wether it’s a change in hairstyle or colour or a fresh manicure or pedicure.

Everyone is opting for shorter nails at the moment for a simple and timeless look. If you love to have long nails why not visit our beauty therapists sarah for our new salon service where nail extensions can be applied in less than 45 minutes. This system is a full nail application that cures within 10 seconds! The system is so gentle on the nails and can be expected to last up to 21+ days when followed with correct aftercare and can be infilled or effortlessly soaked off leaving no damage or trauma to the clients nails. We offer gift vouchers that can be used for any of our salon services.

We’re seeing a lot of toned down blondes with a lot of our clients opting for a more blended balayage to enhance their natural colours.

We offer free consultations so you can have a chat with us before hand about what colours would be best for you. A skin test may be required 48hours before your colour appointment.
January 2022
Happy new year
From Ren myself and the Colabella team, we trust it will be a healthy and happy one for us all…
The start of a year often comes with setting targets, goals, resolutions with often self inflicted pressure that we put on ourselves and
it’s great to have that new year new start feeling, don’t weigh yourself down with too many targets to meet.
In salon we love to listen to all the new year resolutions from our clients, it’s so lovely to be able to have that time with you and listen to all the things going on in everyone’s lives.
It’s a real privilege that clients feel able to share their life with us and this is why the bond between a stylist and client is so strong people openly chat about their personal lives and intimate details with us because of that bond.
When is comes to new year resolutions and plans our lives seem to be full of targets & dead lines to achieve and while that’s all ok sometimes it puts more pressure on us.
My motto is just be the best version of yourself that you can, whilst still showing yourself some TLC too.
If you operate at a level where you are already doing your best and let’s face it we have so much to do in our life that we all have to push to keep up, then just doing the best you can at any one time is enough.
That being said if you fancy a challenge that’s great too, so go for it we are all able and if you are willing anything you set your self to do is great, you could try something new.
I have applied to carry to baton in the Birmingham leg of the common wealth games, something different indeed.
For over 25 years I have supported women’s, homeless & children’s charitable organization in any way I can, from collecting needed items to fund raising & donating.
So if you have a heart to do something and share some of your time like that, you can find lots of local charities that need help.
Setting yourself things to do is great if you are able to but don’t feel just because it’s January that you have to pressure your self to add lots of to do lists to your life.
When it comes to salon life a new year brings new opportunities for us to look at new services and continuing to update our skills.
We find the new year brings lots of requests for re styles too or new colour looks. We love all of that and being able to be part of your journey to give you the feel good factor is a pleasure.
Nothing feels better than a great hair day 🙂
Why not book in just for a consultation if you are thinking about a change…
It’s a great idea if you are thinking about a new color or a new cut. It also means your stylist has got time just to talk about it and give you the time you need to chat.
During a cut & finish appointment we allow 5 minutes for the consultation but in a free consultation slot we allow 15 minutes just to give that extra time to chat.
If it’s concerns about hair loss or thinning hair, then book in with Ren our salon director, he can give you great advice on the best Mark Birch hair products to use, he will explain products to avoid and you can talk to him about non invasive LLLT treatments that we offer at our Bilston branch.
If you are thinking of adding length or volume by having hair extensions we offer a few different types of hair extensions in salon and if that is of interest to you, then Kirsty also at our Bilston branch is our highly experienced extension specialist.
Again you can book in for a consultation for hair extensions we allow 20 to 30 minutes to discuss this with you at no charge.
With so much happening in salon do keep checking our social medial or sign up to the text register so we can keep you informed also each time you like or share our insta or face book your name gets put into the month end free draw. So if you have liked 10 posts that’s 10 chances to win.
Have a great start to 2022
Anna x